Time Difference Between United States and Kosovo

The time difference between the United States and Kosovo is 6 hours, which means that Kosovo is 6 hours ahead of the US (Washington DC). Kosovo, officially known as the Republic of Kosovo is over 9073.48 km distant from the US. Kosovo is a partially recognized nation in Southeast Europe. Kosovo follows the Central European Summer Time (CEST) pattern while the US has six time zones. The US is called, the world’s oldest democracy and is a federal republic consisting of 50 states. Kosovo is a democratic republic with a multi-parliamentary representative system.

Reason, why different time zones?

In the most simple way, the earth’s rotation on its own axis is the primary reason why all the countries have different time zones. Making an angle of 23.5 degrees and 66.6 degrees orbital, the earth rotates in a tilted form. The planet has to rotate on its own axis and around the sun as well. It takes over 24 hours for the earth to finish rotation on its own axis and over 365 days to rotate around the sun, which is a year.

At one point in time, the sunrays are only available on some parts of the earth that face the sun, and the rest of the parts are dark. This is the reason for the cycle of days and nights on earth. And the days and nights differ in different countries, which is the reason why each country has a different time zone.

It takes over 24 hours for the earth to complete the angle of 360 degrees. With each being 15 degrees of longitude wide. The earth has over 24 time zones. There is an imaginary line that crosses from Greenwich to London, which is termed the ‘prime meridian‘.

Overview of the United States and Kosovo

The United States- The United which is also known as America, is the 3rd most populated country in the world and comes fourth in terms of area. The country is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean in the west and has the Atlantic Ocean in the east. It shares its borders with Canada in the north and Mexico in the south.

In terms of geography, the area of the US is 9.834 million sq. km. When it comes to governance, the country is divided into 50 states and follows the federal system of government. Washington DC is the capital of the country. The latitudinal extent of the US is 37.09 degrees North and the longitudinal extent is 95.71 degrees west

Kosovo- Kosovo which is officially known as the ‘Republic of Kosovo‘ and is a partially recognized nation located in Southeast Europe. It has an area of 10,887 km. sq. and a population of over 1.9 million. Pristina is the capital of the country which on 17 February 2008, unilaterally declared itself independent from Serbia. The longitudinal extent of Kosovo is 20.90 in the East and the latitudinal extent is 42.60 degrees in the North. Kosovo is a landlocked nation. It is a secular state that has no official religion.

Other Significant Facts

At present, the US is the world’s largest economy with an estimated real GDP of $20.94 trillion. The service sector of the US is much more developed and technology also plays a major role in the economy of the country. The service-providing firms in the US are playing a primary role globally in the sector. On the contrary, Kosovo is a transitional economy. Its economy has been affected due to several factors including political upheaval. The country’s economy is showing a growing trend after the country declared itself as an independent nation in the year 2008.

The US has a cultural influence globally, with a good number of multi-national companies and fast-food chains like McDonald’s, KFC, Domino’s, and Pizza Hut. In addition, NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration), Disneyland, Hollywood, and International Monetary Fund (IMF), United Nations (UN) are headquartered in the US only. Kosovo is still a developing economy.