Time Functions in Python | Set-2 (Date Manipulations)

Some of Time Functions are discussed in Set 1

Date manipulation can also be performed using Python using “datetime” module and using “date” class in it.

Operations on Date :

1. MINYEAR :- It displays the minimum year that can be represented using date class.

2. MAXYEAR :- It displays the maximum year that can be represented using date class.

# Python code to demonstrate the working of
# importing built in module datetime
import datetime
from datetime import date
# using MINYEAR to print minimum representable year
print ("Minimum representable year is : ",end="")
print (datetime.MINYEAR)
# using MAXYEAR to print maximum representable year
print ("Maximum representable year is : ",end="")
print (datetime.MAXYEAR)


Minimum representable year is : 1
Maximum representable year is : 9999

3. date(yyyy-mm-dd) :- This function returns a string with passed arguments in order of year, months and date.

4. today() :- Returns the date of present day in the format yyyy-mm-dd.

# Python code to demonstrate the working of
# date() and today()
# importing built in module datetime
import datetime
from datetime import date
# using date() to represent date
print ("The represented date is : ",end="")
print (datetime.date(1997,4,1))
# using today() to print present date
print ("Present date is : ",end="")
print (date.today())


The represented date is : 1997-04-01
Present date is : 2016-08-02

5. fromtimestamp(sec) :- It returns the date calculated from the seconds elapsed since epoch mentioned in arguments.

6. min() :- This returns the minimum date that can be represented by date class.

7. max() :- This returns the maximum date that can be represented by date class.

# Python code to demonstrate the working of
# fromtimestamp(), min() and max()
# importing built in module datetime
import datetime
from datetime import date
# using fromtimestamp() to calculate date
print ("The calculated date from seconds is : ",end="")
print (date.fromtimestamp(3452435))
# using min() to print minimum representable date
print ("Minimum representable date is : ",end="")
print (date.min)
# using max() to print minimum representable date
print ("Maximum representable date is : ",end="")
print (date.max)


The calculated date from seconds is : 1970-02-09
Minimum representable date is : 0001-01-01
Maximum representable date is : 9999-12-31