time.Weekday() Function in Golang With Examples

In Go language, time packages supplies functionality for determining as well as viewing time. The Weekday() function in Go language is used to check the English name of the day. Moreover, this function is defined under the time package. Here, you need to import “time” package in order to use these functions.


func (d Weekday) String() string

Return value: It returns English name of the day.

Example 1:

// Golang program to illustrate the usage of
// Weekday() function
// Including main package
package main
// Importing fmt and time
import (
// Main function
func main() {
    // Calling Weekday method using
    // Now function
    weekday := time.Now().Weekday()
    // Prints the current weekday
    fmt.Println("Weekday is: ", weekday)


Weekday is:  Thursday

Example 2:

// Golang program to illustrate the usage of
// Weekday() function
// Including main package
package main
// Importing fmt and time
import (
// Main function
func main() {
    // Calling Weekday method using
    // Now function
    weekday := time.Now().Weekday()
    // Prints the current 
    // weekday in int form
    fmt.Println("Weekday in number is: ", int(weekday))


Weekday in number is:  4