How Many Time Zones are In Thailand?

Answer: Thailand has just one time zone. In simple terms, the whole country of Thailand follows the same time, no matter where you are in the country. This time zone is known as Indochina Time (ICT), which is 7 hours ahead of Coordinated Universal Time (UTC+7).

So, whether you’re in Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket, or any other part of Thailand, the time is the same across the entire country.

Only One Time Zone in Thailand

Thailand’s geographical size and shape play a significant role in it having only one time zone. Unlike larger countries that span a wide range of longitudes, Thailand’s east-west breadth is relatively narrow, making it feasible to have a single time zone without causing significant discrepancies in solar time across the country.

For residents and visitors, this means less confusion and more consistency. Whether you’re scheduling a meeting, catching a flight, or planning a call with someone in another part of Thailand, you don’t have to worry about time differences within the country.