Timetables in MATLAB

Timetables are a type of tables in MATLAB that store a timestamp corresponding to each row. Similar to tables, timetables can store column-oriented data under a variable name (column name), where every variable has same number of rows. All the functions of a table work with timetables as well along with some timetable-specific functions that are used to align, combine and perform various calculations with other timetables. Let us see various ways of creating timetables.

Method 1:Using timetable()

A timetable can be created with the timetable function. This function takes a time vector and different vector variables. 


timetable (<time vector>, var1, …, var n>)

Here, all var1…var n must have the same number if rows. See the following example for better understanding.

Example 1:


% MATLAB code for timetable()
% time vector
  tm_vector = datetime({'2022-10-13 23:00:00'
  '2022-10-17 19:00:00';'2022-11-03 11:00:00' });
  names = ["Harry";"Mark";"Dean"];
  job = ["IT";"Management";"HR"];
% Creating timetable



This will create a table of 3×2 and not 3×3 because the time stamp is not considered a column vector. 

Method 2: Using table2timetable()

Converting a table into timetable by the table2timetable function. This function creates a timetable from a function that already has a time vector as one of its column vectors. See the following example to understand its working.

Example 2:


% MATLAB code for table2timetable()
  tm_vector = datetime({'2022-10-13 23:00:00'
  '2022-10-17 19:00:00';'2022-11-03 11:00:00' });
  names = ["Harry";"Mark";"Dean"];
  job = ["IT";"Management";"HR"];
% Creating table
% Converting to timetable 



Method 3: Using  istimetable()

The istimetable() function returns a Boolean value. True if the given table is a timetable else false. See the following example

Example 3:


% MATLAB code for istimetable() 
  tm_vector = datetime({'2022-10-13 23:00:00';
  '2022-10-17 19:00:00';'2022-11-03 11:00:00' });
  names = ["Harry";"Mark";"Dean"];
  job = ["IT";"Management";"HR"];
% Creating table



Accessing Elements:

You can access the elements of a timetable in the same manner as ordinary tables by any of the following methods:

  • Smooth parenthesis
  • Dot notation
  • Curly braces notation 

Refer to this GfG article for further explanation of accessing tables in MATLAB


This article discussed various methods of creating timetables in MATLAB and also briefly explained how to access the elements of a table in MATLAB.