Tin (IV) chloride Formula – Structure, Properties, Uses, Sample Questions

Tin (IV) chloride consists of the elements Tin and Chlorine. Tin is a silver-colored soft metal present in group 14 of the periodic table. It is used for plating steel cans and also used as food containers. Its atomic number is 50 and is represented by the symbol Sn. Chlorine is toxic and corrosive gas present in group 17 of the periodic table. It is the second lightest element in that group. Its atomic number is 17 and is represented by the symbol Cl.

Tin (IV) chloride

Tin (IV) chloride is an inorganic, colorless/light yellow fuming liquid compound with the molecular formula SnCl4. It is first discovered by Andreas Libavius. Tin (IV) chloride is hygroscopic and fumes when it comes in contact with air. The other name for Tin (IV) chloride is Stannic Chloride. The IUPAC names for SnCl4 are Tetrachlorostannane, Tin (IV) chloride, and Tin tetrachloride.

Preparation of Tin (IV) chloride

  • Tin (IV) chloride is prepared by the reaction of Tin with Chlorine gas at 115 °C. Its chemical reaction of it is given below 

Sn + 2Cl2 ⇢ SnCl4

  • Potassium hexachlorostannate on strong heating decomposes into Tin (IV) chloride and Potassium chloride.

K2SnCl6 ⇢ SnCl4 + 2KCl

  • The hydrated Tin (IV) Chloride i.e., Pentahydrate form SnCl4.5H2O is prepared by oxidizing Tin(II) chloride (SnCl2) in solution using Potassium nitrate (KNO3).

Structure of Tin (IV) chloride

Tin (IV) chloride Structure

Physical Properties of Tin (IV) chloride

  • Tin (IV) chloride appears in the form of colorless/light yellow fuming liquid.
  • The molecular weight of Tin (IV) chloride is 260.5 g/mol.
  • Its melting point is  33 °C in anhydrous form and 56 °C in pentahydrate form.
  • Tin (IV) chloride boiling point is 114 °C.
  • Density of anhydrous Tin (IV) chloride is 2.226 g/cm3 and for pentahydrate, it is 2.04 g/cm3.
  • It is soluble in water.

Chemical Properties of Tin (IV) chloride

  • Tin (IV) chloride reacts with Grignard reagents like RMgCl to give tetra alkyl tin compounds. The chemical reaction is given below

SnCl4 + 4RMgCl ⇢ SnR4 + 4MgCl2

  • In redistribution reactions, Tin (IV) chloride is used in the reaction with tetra organotin compounds. The reaction of it is given below

SnCl4 + SnR4 ⇢ 2SnCl2R2

  • Anhydrous Tin (IV) chloride SnCl4 fumes in the humid air form a white smoke of Tin (IV) oxide (SnO2) and Hydrogen chloride (HCl).

SnCl4 + 2H2O ⇢ SnO2 + 4HCl 

Uses of Tin (IV) chloride

  • Tin (IV) chloride is used in the preparation of SnO2 coating for toughening glass.
  • It acts as a polymer stabilizer and catalyst.
  • Tin (IV) chloride is used as a precursor to other Tin compounds.
  • It is used as a chemical weapon in world war I.
  • Tin (IV) chloride is used as a high purity reagent.
  • It is used in the preparation of organotin compounds.

Sample Questions

Question 1: What are the safety measures taken while handling Tin (IV) chloride?


Tin (IV) chloride will release a dense smoke when it comes in contact with air. The emitted smoke cause irritation. So make sure it is stored in air tight container and wear mask while using it.

Question 2: How Stannic Chloride is prepared?


Stannic Chloride is other name for Tin (IV) chloride. It is prepared by the reaction of Tin with Chlorine gas at 115 °C. i.e. at 239 °F.

Sn + 2Cl2 ⇢ SnCl4

Question 3: Find the molecular weight of Tin (IV) chloride?


Tin (IV) chloride consists of 1 Tin atom and 4 Chlorine atoms.

Atomic weight of Tin = 118.71 

Atomic weight each Chlorine atom = 35.453 

Molar mass of SnCl4 = 118.71 + (4 × 35.453)

=260.5 g/mol

Question 4: What are the uses of Tin (IV) chloride?


Tin (IV) chloride is used in coating for toughening glass. It acts as catalyst and polymer stabilizers. Tin (IV) chloride is very useful for nitrations. It is a  major precursor in organotin chemistry. 

Question 5: In what compounds Tin (IV) chloride is soluble?


Tin (IV) chloride is soluble in many compounds. Few of them are   water, alcohol, kerosene, benzene, gasoline, methanol, chloroform, toluene and acetone.

Question 6: What happens when Tin (IV) chloride reacts with Grignard reagents?


Tin (IV) chloride reacts with Grignard reagents to form tetraalkyltin compounds. Below is the chemical reaction b/w Tin (IV) chloride and a Grignard reagent  RMgCl.

SnCl4 + 4RMgCl ⇢ SnR4 + 4MgCl2