How to Write Good TOEFL Integrated Essay- Pro Tips 2024

TOEFL Integrated Essay: In the TOEFL writing section, candidates encounter two distinct tasks: Task 1, known as the TOEFL Integrated Writing Task, and Task 2, referred to as the TOEFL Independent Writing Task. Together, these tasks constitute a 50-minute examination assessing candidates’ reading, writing, and listening abilities in English.

This article primarily focuses on Task 1, providing detailed insights into its structure and a sample question for better understanding.

Table of Content

  • What is TOEFL Writing Task 1? – TOEFL Integrated Writing Task 
  • The Question
  • Note-Taking Tips
  • TOEFL Writing Integrated Task Exercises
  • TOEFL Integrated Essay Template
  • Tips for TOEFL Writing Tasks

What is TOEFL Writing Task 1? – TOEFL Integrated Writing Task

In the Integrated Writing section of the TOEFL, candidates are required to utilize their reading, listening, and writing skills to complete the task. They are given three minutes to prepare for an essay by reading a brief passage and listening to an audio clip on a single topic.

Following the preparation time, candidates have 20 minutes to compose an essay in response to the two sources. These sources can present two scenarios:

  1. Contradictory: The audio clip contradicts the information presented in the passage.
  2. Supportive: The audio clip supports the content of the passage.

Regardless of the scenario, candidates must summarize the topic within a range of 150 to 225 words. Moreover, they are expected to establish a clear connection between the information provided in the passage and the content of the audio clip.

Relationship Between Passage and Audio Lecture

  1. Argumentative Style (Common): The passage presents a viewpoint, while the lecture presents a contrasting perspective.
  2. Problem-Solution Style (Less Common): The passage introduces an issue, and the lecture offers potential solutions.
  3. Solution-Problem Style (Less Common): The passage proposes solutions to a problem, and the lecture critiques or raises concerns about these solutions.

The Question

After the lecture finishes, the question will be shown.  It will look something like this:

  • Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they oppose specific points made in the reading passage.
  • Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they answer the specific problems presented in the reading passage.
  • Summarize the points made in the lecture, being sure to explain how they cast doubt on specific solutions presented in the reading passage.

After you see the question, you will get 20 minutes for planning, writing and revising the essay.

Note-Taking Tips

  1. Prepare your paper before the question begins by labeling sections as “reading” and “listening” and drawing arrows to indicate connections between them. Even though you’ll have access to the article as you write, it’s advisable to take notes during the reading period to ensure attentive comprehension.

TOEFL Integrated Essay

  1. Employ shorthand such as “grav” for gravity, “cond” for conditions, and “effec” for effects to save time while taking notes. Use “x” as a placeholder for negatives like “not,” “no,” or “can’t.”
  2. Immediately after the lecture concludes, expand upon your notes while the details are still fresh in your mind. Use a pencil for practice sessions, as this is the writing implement allowed on test day.

TOEFL Writing Integrated Task Exercises

Question 1: Summarize the key points outlined in the passage and provide insights based on the lecture.

Sample Reading Passage: Sea Otters, once abundant along the west coast of North America from California to Alaska, have experienced a rapid decline in population in recent years. This decline has had a direct impact on the coastal ecosystem due to the important role Sea Otters play in maintaining balance. Investigators attribute this decline to two main factors: attacks by predators and environmental pollution. Environmental pollution, particularly from oil rigs along the Alaskan coast, has been identified as a significant contributor to the decline. Water samples taken by investigators revealed high chemical content that can affect the immune systems of marine life, leading to mortality. Similar declines in other sea mammals, such as seals, further support the hypothesis of water pollution as a primary cause. The uneven decline of Sea Otters along the coast is also attributed to pollution concentration influenced by ocean currents and natural factors.

Insights: The lecture provides additional insight into the decline of Sea Otter populations along the Alaskan coast. It emphasizes the role of environmental pollution, particularly from oil rigs, as a major contributing factor. The lecture highlights how pollution affects marine life’s immune systems, leading to increased mortality rates. Furthermore, it suggests that pollution concentration, influenced by ocean currents and natural factors, unevenly affects Sea Otter populations along the coast.

Question 2: Summarize the lecturer’s viewpoint and its relation to the provided reading passage.

Sample Reading Passage: The International Astronomical Union Conference announced the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet on August 24, 2006. Initially discovered in 1930, Pluto was thought to be similar in size to Earth but was later found to be smaller than Earth’s moon and other moons. The discovery of numerous planetary objects similar to Pluto, such as Eris, led to its reclassification. While the news may disappoint Pluto enthusiasts, it reflects the progress of science. Despite the emotional attachment to Pluto as a planet, its reclassification has been widely accepted, especially among current students who recognize only eight planets in the solar system.

Insights: The lecture reinforces the reclassification of Pluto as a dwarf planet and its acceptance as a scientific advancement. It acknowledges the emotional attachment to Pluto as a planet but emphasizes the importance of scientific progress in understanding celestial bodies. Additionally, it highlights how current students recognize only eight planets in the solar system, reflecting the widespread acceptance of Pluto’s reclassification.

TOEFL Integrated Essay Template

To effectively tackle the integrated writing task in the TOEFL exam, candidates should adhere to the recommended template outlined below:

  1. Introduction Paragraph: Commence the essay by stating that both the lecture and the reading passage address the topic of (topic). Highlight that while the reading passage supports the notion that (thought), the lecturer expresses a different viewpoint by stating (sayings). Emphasize that there are points of agreement/disagreement between the lecturer and the author, which will be elaborated upon in the subsequent essay.
  2. Body Paragraphs: In the first body paragraph, discuss the assertion made in the reading passage (statement 1) regarding (discussion). Provide context to the point and mention how it is either challenged or affirmed by the lecturer in the audio clip, who states (statement).
  3. Move on to the second body paragraph, focusing on the second statement mentioned in the reading passage. Explain the point made by the author and how it relates to the topic. Then, present the lecturer’s response, which either aligns with or contradicts the statement. Provide the lecturer’s perspective by including (audio content) and elaborating on their stance with (discussion).
  4. Transition to the third body paragraph, addressing the third statement proposed by the author. Clarify the suggestion made and its significance in the context of the topic. Subsequently, incorporate the lecturer’s stance, indicating whether they agree or disagree with the statement. Support the lecturer’s viewpoint with (statement) and provide further explanation with (explanation).
  5. Conclusion (Optional): Optionally, conclude with a brief summary of the main points discussed in the essay, reinforcing the key arguments presented and the relationship between the reading passage and the lecturer’s perspective.

Tips for TOEFL Writing Tasks

Here are essential strategies for TOEFL writing success:

  1. Allocate your time wisely, ensuring each paragraph fits within the 20-minute timeframe. Reserve the final 5 minutes for proofreading and correcting any grammatical mistakes.
  2. Develop a habit of concise writing from the outset of your preparation.
  3. While listening to the audio, actively jot down key points to ensure your essay encompasses all crucial details.
  4. Incorporate transitional phrases to enhance the coherence and cohesion of your writing.
  5. Utilize abbreviated notes during the listening phase to save time and aid in recall during the writing process.


TOEFL Integrated Essay is a chance for test-takers to show how well they understand and explain information from different sources. It’s not just about understanding—it’s about organizing thoughts clearly, giving reasons for ideas, and writing well.

To do well, it is important to practice and learn how to approach this task. With practice and focus, test-takers can do well on the TOEFL writing section.

TOEFL Integrated Essay- FAQs

What is the TOEFL Integrated Essay?

The TOEFL Integrated Essay is the first writing task on the TOEFL test. It requires test-takers to read a passage and listen to a lecture on the same topic. Then, they must write an essay that summarizes the key points and explains how they relate to each other.

How much time do I have for the TOEFL Integrated Essay?

Test-takers have a total of 20 minutes to complete the TOEFL Integrated Essay. This includes three minutes for reading the passage, listening to the lecture, and taking notes, and 17 minutes for writing the essay.

What is the structure of the TOEFL Integrated Essay?

The essay consists of an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion. In the introduction, test-takers introduce the topic and briefly mention the main points. Each body paragraph discusses one main point from the passage and the corresponding point from the lecture. Finally, the conclusion summarizes the main points and restates the overall relationship between the passage and the lecture.

How should I prepare for the TOEFL Integrated Essay?

To prepare for the TOEFL Integrated Essay, practice reading academic passages and listening to lectures on various topics. Work on taking effective notes during the reading and listening phases, and practice writing essays that summarize the main points and explain their relationship.