TOEFL Speaking Score: Tips, Strategies, and How to Improve in 2024

Are you aiming to boost your TOEFL Speaking score in 2024? Achieving a high score in the TOEFL Speaking section is essential for showcasing your English language proficiency to universities and employers. In this detailed guide, we will provide you with valuable tips, effective strategies, and comprehensive insights to help you excel in the TOEFL Speaking section.

Whether you are looking to understand the scoring criteria or find ways to improve your speaking skills, our expert advice will give you the edge you need. Read on to discover how to enhance your performance, manage your preparation efficiently, and achieve a top TOEFL Speaking score.

TOEFL Speaking Score

Table of Content

  • TOEFL Speaking Score
  • TOEFL iBT Speaking Score Calculation
  • TOEFL iBT Speaking: Marking Rubrics
  • TOEFL Speaking Score Descriptors
  • TOEFL Speaking Score Percentile
  • Preparation Tips to Maximize TOEFL Speaking Score

TOEFL Speaking Score

The speaking section of the TOEFL iBT comprises four tasks, including one independent task and three integrated tasks. Each task evaluates student responses based on their delivery, language usage, and topic development. Candidates are given a preparation time of 15–30 seconds before each response, with responses lasting either 45 or 60 seconds. The TOEFL iBT allocates 16 minutes for the speaking section.

TOEFL speaking scores range from 25 to 30, considered advanced, to 10 to 15, considered basic. By examining the TOEFL iBT speaking rubrics and criteria, students can establish clear speaking score objectives and devise strategies to effectively prepare for the tasks. Numerous TOEFL coaching centers offer comprehensive training for the exam through both online and offline formats.

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Understanding the TOEFL Speaking Test Structure

The TOEFL Speaking section consists of four tasks: two independent and two integrated. You will have 45 seconds to respond to each independent task and 60 seconds for each integrated task. The tasks are designed to assess your ability to express an opinion, summarize information, and convey ideas clearly and coherently.

Key Criteria for TOEFL Speaking Scores

TOEFL Speaking responses are evaluated based on four criteria:

  • Content: The relevance and completeness of your response.
  • Delivery: Clarity and fluency of your speech.
  • Language Use: Accuracy and range of vocabulary and grammar.
  • Topic Development: Organization and progression of ideas.

TOEFL iBT Speaking Score Calculation

The TOEFL iBT speaking score is determined through a calculation process that involves several steps. Here’s an overview of how it works:

  1. Raw Score Assignment: Examiners evaluate each response in the speaking section and assign raw scores for each task. The raw score range for the speaking section is 0-16, with each task typically worth 4 points.
  2. Summation of Raw Scores: The raw scores for all four speaking tasks are summed up to obtain a total raw score for the speaking section.
  3. Conversion to Scaled Score: The total raw score is then converted into a scaled score using a conversion chart provided by ETS. The scaled score range for the speaking section is 0 to 30.
  4. Final Score Determination: The scaled score obtained represents the candidate’s overall performance in the speaking section of the TOEFL iBT exam. A score of 30 indicates the highest level of proficiency in speaking English, while lower scores reflect varying degrees of proficiency.

Here’s what the points signify:

Average Raw Speaking Score

Scaled Speaking Score








































TOEFL iBT Speaking: Marking Rubrics

The TOEFL iBT Speaking section is evaluated based on specific rubrics designed by ETS, the organization that administers the test. These rubrics outline the criteria for assessing candidates’ performance in speaking tasks. Here are the key components of the marking rubrics:

  1. Delivery: This aspect focuses on how fluently the candidate speaks. It includes factors such as pronunciation, intonation, pacing, and overall speech flow.
  2. Language Use: This component evaluates the candidate’s ability to use grammar and vocabulary accurately and appropriately. It considers the complexity and variety of language structures used.
  3. Topic Development: This criterion assesses how effectively the candidate develops and supports ideas related to the given topics. It examines coherence, cohesion, and relevance of content in response to the prompts.

Read More: TOEFL iBT

TOEFL Speaking Score Descriptors

To calculate the TOEFL speaking raw score, add up the points earned in the 4 questions. Then, find the average score for the tasks. This average score is converted to a percentage. Next, convert this percentile score to the scaled score, which ranges from 0 to 30. Here’s a simplified breakdown:

  1. Total Points: Add up points earned in the 4 speaking questions.
  2. Average Score: Find the average of the total points.
  3. Percentage Score: Convert the average score to a percentage.
  4. Scaled Score: Multiply the decimal form of the percentage score by 30, which is the scale for the speaking section.

The average TOEFL speaking score ranges from 20 to 25. This section tends to be challenging for test-takers, especially those from non-English speaking backgrounds who may feel less comfortable speaking in English and therefore score lower.




The response is fluent, concise, and significant, with very few or no errors.


The response is slightly less fluent but generally intelligible, with minor lapses. Overall, it’s organized.


The response is correct but restrained, with some disorder causing ambiguity.


The response lacks coherence and may be irrational due to the candidate’s inability to answer properly.


Either there’s no response from the speaker or the response is unrelated to the topic.

Read More: TOEFL Score

TOEFL Speaking Score Percentile

The TOEFL percentile indicates how a test-taker’s score compares to others who took the exam. Here is a overview to help understand the TOEFL speaking score chart:

  • The 50th percentile represents the median score, meaning the test-taker performed better than 50% of other candidates and worse than the remaining 50%.
  • Any score above the median, like 22, is considered a good TOEFL speaking score.
  • Achieving a score of 24 places a test-taker in the top 25% of all scorers, indicating superior performance.
  • Generally, scores below the median are considered below average.

The TOEFL score percentiles are derived from the scaled score range for each exam section:


TOEFL Speaking score











Effective Strategies to Improve Your TOEFL Speaking Score

Here are some effective preparation tips to help you maximize your TOEFL Speaking score:

  1. Strengthen Vocabulary: Expand your vocabulary by learning new words and phrases regularly. Use flashcards, vocabulary lists, and online resources to enhance your word bank.
  2. Practice Listening: Improve your listening skills by regularly listening to English podcasts, news broadcasts, and videos. Focus on understanding different accents and speech patterns.
  3. Note-Taking: Practice taking effective notes while listening to spoken passages. Summarize key points and main ideas to improve your ability to recall information during speaking tasks.
  4. Develop a Study Plan: Create a study schedule that includes dedicated time for TOEFL Speaking practice. Break down your preparation into manageable tasks and set specific goals for improvement.
  5. Solve Practice Papers: Familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions in the TOEFL Speaking section by solving practice papers and sample questions. Pay attention to time management and pacing.
  6. Practice Speaking Aloud: Regularly practice speaking aloud in English to improve your fluency and pronunciation. Focus on speaking clearly and confidently, and try to maintain a natural pace.
  7. Record and Review: Record your speaking practice sessions and listen to them carefully. Identify areas for improvement, such as pronunciation errors or grammatical mistakes, and work on addressing them.
  8. Focus on Vocabulary and Pronunciation: Pay special attention to vocabulary and pronunciation during your practice sessions. Practice pronouncing difficult words and phrases correctly, and aim for clear and natural-sounding speech.

Read More: TOEFL Speaking Tips

Common Pitfalls to Avoid in TOEFL Speaking

  • Speaking Too Fast: Maintain a moderate pace to ensure clarity.
  • Memorized Responses: Avoid over-reliance on memorized phrases, which can sound unnatural.
  • Incoherent Structure: Ensure your response has a logical flow with clear transitions.

Resources for TOEFL Speaking Preparation

  • Recommended Books and Guides: “Official Guide to the TOEFL Test” by ETS, “TOEFL iBT Prep Plus” by Kaplan.
  • Online Practice Tests: Use resources like ETS TOEFL Practice, Magoosh and w3wiki.
  • Speaking Workshops: Enroll in TOEFL speaking workshops or find a tutor for personalized feedback.

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TOEFL Speaking Score- FAQs

What is the TOEFL Speaking score range?

The TOEFL Speaking score ranges from 0 to 30.

How is the TOEFL Speaking section scored?

The TOEFL Speaking section is scored based on three main components: delivery, language use, and topic development. Each response is evaluated by trained raters, and scores are assigned according to predefined rubrics.

Can I use informal language in the TOEFL Speaking section?

While clarity is key, maintaining a formal tone appropriate for an academic setting is recommended.

How can I improve my pronunciation for TOEFL?

Practice with native speakers, use pronunciation apps, and listen to English podcasts.

What is a good TOEFL Speaking score?

A good TOEFL Speaking score falls within the range of 20 to 25. However, what constitutes a good score may vary depending on the requirements of the institution or program you are applying to.

How can I improve my TOEFL Speaking score?

To improve your TOEFL Speaking score, practice speaking English regularly, focus on pronunciation and fluency, familiarize yourself with the test format, and take advantage of available resources such as practice tests and study materials.

Can I retake the TOEFL Speaking section if I’m not satisfied with my score?

Yes, you can retake the TOEFL test if you are not satisfied with your score, including the Speaking section. However, there are certain restrictions on how often you can retake the test, so be sure to check the TOEFL policies and procedures.