Latest TOEFL Speaking Topics 2024: Sample Questions & Answers

Preparing for the TOEFL Speaking section involves mastering a variety of crucial TOEFL speaking topics that you might encounter during the exam. This section includes four tasks, each requiring you to articulate your thoughts and opinions on various subjects. Common themes encompass education, technology, health, travel, and environmental issues.

By familiarizing yourself with these topics, you can significantly enhance your speaking skills and boost your confidence for the TOEFL exam. Let’s dive into the key topics for the Speaking Section of the TOEFL Exam 2024 and get you ready to excel!

TOEFL Speaking Topics

Table of Content

  • TOEFL Speaking Section Overview
  • TOEFL Speaking Tasks
  • TOEFL Independent Speaking Task
  • TOEFL Speaking Topics of Integrated Tasks
    • First Integrated Task
    • Second Integrated Task
    • Third Integrated Task
  • Different Types of Questions in TOEFL
  • Types of TOEFL Speaking Topics
  • List of Popular TOEFL Speaking Topic Questions
  • TOEFL Speaking Topics with Answers
  • Preparation Tips to Ace TOEFL Speaking Section
  • Best Books for TOEFL Preparation

TOEFL Speaking Section Overview

Many students find the speaking section of the TOEFL to be the most challenging part of the exam, which is understandable given the diverse range of topics covered. Consequently, preparing well in advance for this section is highly recommended. In the TOEFL speaking section, test takers are allotted 17 minutes to complete four tasks, comprising one independent task and three integrated tasks. These tasks are carefully crafted to assess the test taker’s proficiency in various aspects of the English language, including reading, listening, vocabulary, and grammar.

The independent speaking tasks evaluate the applicant’s ability to articulate thoughts on topics such as friendships, family, entertainment, and daily life. In contrast, the integrated tasks assess the test taker’s ability to integrate listening, reading, and speaking skills. Moreover, the questions are designed to gauge the test taker’s self-assurance by prompting them to express opinions and thoughts on scenarios related to campus life.

Practicing with sample questions serves two purposes for aspiring study abroad candidates: it boosts confidence for the actual test and reduces response time.

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TOEFL Speaking Tasks

TOEFL speaking is divided into two parts: independent speaking and integrated speaking tasks. Below are two types of tasks, along with some specific examples:

TOEFL Independent Speaking Task

The initial task in the TOEFL exam is the independent speaking task, where candidates are presented with scenarios or options and required to select one and explain their choice. They have 15 seconds to prepare and 45 seconds to justify their selection. The topics typically revolve around everyday themes like family, studies, entertainment, and personal experiences. The score is based on how effectively candidates articulate their reasoning within the allotted time, rather than the option chosen.

Here’s a compilation of sample questions across various topics for the TOEFL independent speaking task:


  • Who is your favorite family member, and what aspect do you admire the most about them?
  • Describe a mysterious person you’ve encountered and what makes them mysterious.


  • What subject could you study for a lifetime, and why?
  • Share your views on gender-neutral residence halls in universities.


  • Are TV shows essential for children’s entertainment, or are they a waste of time?
  • Discuss your favorite social media platform and why you prefer it.

Your Life

  • Describe a typical non-school day in your life.
  • What moment from your past would you like to revisit?

Besides these topics, ETS includes others such as food, work, travel, and sports. The questions can also be categorized by type, like three-choice questions or agree/disagree statements:

Three-choice questions

  • What’s the most beneficial feature of smartphones for students: camera, file sharing, or internet?
  • Which aspect of campus life is most crucial: academic learning, making friends, or group work?

Agree or disagree

  • Do you agree or disagree that social media is more harmful than helpful for students?
  • Is domestic skill as important as business skill: agree or disagree?

These questions offer a glimpse into the variety of topics and question types encountered in the TOEFL independent speaking task.

TOEFL Speaking Topics of Integrated Tasks

Integrated speaking tasks in the TOEFL exam require candidates to utilize multiple skills such as reading, listening, and speaking without prior knowledge of the topic. These tasks assess candidates’ ability to comprehend and synthesize information presented in written and spoken formats.

First Integrated Task

  • Focuses on campus life.
  • Candidates read a passage and then listen to a conversation on the same topic.
  • They summarize the main speaker’s opinion within 90 seconds.
  • Preparation time is 30 seconds, and response time is 60 seconds.

Second Integrated Task

  • Centers around academic topics like life science, social science, arts, etc.
  • Candidates read a passage and listen to a lecture on the same topic.
  • They summarize both within 90 seconds.
  • Preparation time is 30 seconds, and response time is 60 seconds.

Third Integrated Task

  • Also based on academic topics.
  • Candidates listen to a lecture and summarize it.
  • Response preparation time is 20 seconds, and response completion time is 60 seconds.

Candidates should refrain from adding extra information beyond what’s provided in the passages. The topics for these tasks are generally everyday themes like food, work, entertainment, as well as academic subjects. Practicing sample questions and honing reading, listening, and speaking skills can help candidates achieve high scores in these tasks.

Different Types of Questions in TOEFL

There are four Different types of questions asked in TOEFL

  1. Three-choice questions
  2. Priority questions
  3. Agree or disagree
  4. Advantages and disadvantages

Let’s Discuss in detail

Three-choice questions: In these questions, you will be given a prompt or a statement, and you will need to choose one of the three options provided. For example, you might be asked to choose which of the three options you agree with the most, or which option you would prefer.

Priority questions: Priority questions require you to prioritize or rank a list of items or ideas according to certain criteria. For instance, you may be asked to rank three factors in order of importance, or to prioritize actions to solve a problem.

Agree or disagree: In these questions, you will be presented with a statement or an opinion, and you need to express whether you agree or disagree with it. You will also need to provide reasons or examples to support your stance.

Advantages and disadvantages: This type of question requires you to discuss the pros and cons of a given situation, idea, or action. You will need to provide arguments for both sides and then express your own opinion or preference.

1. Three-choice questions

  1. Which of the following criteria is most important to you while looking for a roommate: (1) Cleanliness (2) Hospitality (3) Quietness.
  2. There will be a student-oriented television show. Which show do you want to see? (1) Interviews with school leaders (2) Debate among students on political and social issues (3) A school-related comedy.
  3. Which of the following technical advancements has had the most impact on students’ lives? (1) e-books (2) online classes (3) mobile phones.
  4. The university decides to renovate the dormitory and provide additional space. Which space do you think you should add to your dorm? (1) Cafeteria (2) Game room (3) Study room.
  5. Which role in the school community would you pick if you had to choose one during the summer vacation? (1) Receptionist at the library (2) Technician (3) Community wall painting.

2. Priority questions

  1. Which one is your preferred choice? To purchase the newly launched e-product as soon as possible, or to wait a bit and then decide whether to buy it.
  2. Some people prefer to send text messages, while others prefer to make direct phone conversations. Which one is your favorite?
  3. What do you think of people who prefer to buy new books and those who like to buy secondhand books?

3. Agree or disagree questions

  1. Do you agree or disagree with the statement that older doctors are superior to younger ones?
  2. Do you agree that male and female university students should be housed in separate residence halls?
  3. Do you agree with the following statement: obtaining a university degree is never too late.
  4. Do you agree or disagree that young people need to learn household skills like cooking, sewing, and child care?

4. Advantages and disadvantages questions

  1. Many students are asked to rate their lecturers at the end of the semester. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this?
  2. Students at your university will be able to watch television in their dorm rooms. What is your point of view, and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of viewing TV in a dorm room?

Types of TOEFL Speaking Topics

Here are the different types of TOEFL speaking topics that you must know about:

  • Choose From One Option
  • Choose From Two Options
  • Explain an Opinion on a Campus Issue
  • Explain a Lecture Topic
  • Explain a Campus Life Problem
  • Explain a Lecture

List of Popular TOEFL Speaking Topic Questions

Here are some popular TOEFL speaking topics to help you prepare for the exam:

  1. Describe some features of a restaurant or cafe that you like.
  2. Would you work in a profession that requires teamwork?
  3. Describe one of the best moments of your life.
  4. Do you agree that childhood is the happiest time in one’s life?
  5. Describe a place in your city that you enjoy visiting.
  6. Talk about an important national holiday in your country.
  7. What was your favorite subject in school?
  8. Do you prefer watching entertainment or educational TV programs?
  9. Which smartphone function do you find most useful: recording lectures or listening to music?
  10. Describe a moment of success in your life and explain why it was a success.
  11. Who is your closest family member, and why do you feel close to them?
  12. Do you agree that it’s never too late to get a degree?
  13. Specify your favorite tourist attraction in your city or country.
  14. What qualities would you look for in an ideal roommate: friendliness, cleanliness, or quietness?
  15. Should male and female students have separate residence halls?
  16. Do you prefer buying used or new books?
  17. How would you prefer to prepare for your final project: presentation, creating a video, or writing a paper?
  18. Do you agree that students should spend more time learning outside the classroom?
  19. What do you like to read in your free time: newspapers, magazines, or books?
  20. If you were going to buy an expensive product, would you borrow the money or save up for it?
  21. Which event from your life would you like to revisit, and what made it special?
  22. Describe your favorite recreational activity and why you love it.
  23. Who is the most intelligent person you know, and why do you think they are intelligent?

TOEFL Speaking Topics with Answers

Should children assist their parents with household chores as they grow older?

I firmly believe that it is highly beneficial for children to contribute to household chores as they mature. This practice enables them to acquire valuable life skills that prove invaluable in their later years. Personally, during my secondary school years, I took on the responsibility of preparing breakfast for my sibling and myself before school each day. Consequently, when I transitioned to college out of state, managing my meals independently was remarkably effortless compared to my peers. Additionally, engaging in household tasks together fosters a strong bond between parents and children.

Do you prefer watching news programs on television regularly or occasionally?

Personally, I favor watching news programs on an occasional basis for two primary reasons. Firstly, prolonged exposure to news broadcasts sometimes induces anxiety, particularly when reporting on calamities, which can impede my daily functioning. Secondly, I perceive excessive news consumption as a time-consuming activity that detracts from other important aspects of my day.

Is undergoing cosmetic surgery to enhance physical appearance a favorable choice?

I am a proponent of individuals modifying their bodies according to their preferences. This stance is supported by two key reasons. Firstly, altering one’s physical appearance can significantly bolster self-confidence, addressing any insecurities and leading to a more fulfilling life. Moreover, the reversible nature of cosmetic procedures provides individuals with the option to revert changes if dissatisfied with the outcome. As an example, I recently underwent rhinoplasty to refine the shape of my nose according to my preferences.

Preparation Tips to Ace TOEFL Speaking Section

Here are some important tips to help you ace the TOEFL Speaking section:

  1. Stay Focused: Practice speaking in a noisy environment to prepare for distractions during the exam.
  2. Relax and be Confident: Take deep breaths and stay calm to avoid panicking, which can hinder your performance.
  3. Avoid Plagiarism: Don’t memorize answers from templates found online. Plagiarism can lead to disqualification.
  4. Take Notes: Use brief notes to recall main ideas from TOEFL lectures during the exam.
  5. Make Things Up: If you run out of things to say, improvise imaginary scenarios. The focus is on your speaking skills, not factual accuracy.

Best Books for TOEFL Preparation

Books  Author 
ETS Official Guide to the TOEFL Test (4th Edition)  ETS
Cracking the TOEFL iBT (2016-2017) Edition  Princeton Review 
Official TOEFL iBT Test Volume 2 ETS
Kaplan TOEFL iBT Premier 2016-2017 with 4 Practice Tests  Kaplan Test Prep
The Only Grammar Book You’ll Ever Need: A One-Stop Source for Every Writing Assignment  Susan Thurman 
Essential Words for the  TOEFL, 6th Edition (Barron’s Essential Words for the TOEFL ) Steven J. Matthiesen
Practice Exercises for the TOEFL with MP3 CD  Pamela J. Sharpe 
TOEFL Grammar Guide: 23 Grammar Rules You Must Know To Guarantee Your Success On The TOEFL Exam  Timothy Dickeson 
240 Speaking Topics: With Sample Answers (Volume 2)  LIKE Test Prep
240 Writing Topics: with Sample Essays  LIKE Test Prep

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TOEFL Speaking Topics- FAQs

What types of topics are covered in the TOEFL Speaking section?

The TOEFL Speaking section covers a wide range of topics, including personal experiences, opinions, preferences, academic subjects, and societal issues.

How many speaking tasks are there in the TOEFL Speaking section?

The TOEFL Speaking section consists of four tasks: two independent tasks and two integrated tasks.

Are there specific strategies for approaching TOEFL Speaking topics?

Yes, there are various strategies for approaching TOEFL Speaking topics, including brainstorming ideas, organizing thoughts, speaking clearly and coherently, and managing time effectively.

Can I prepare for TOEFL Speaking topics in advance?

While you can’t predict the exact topics that will appear on the TOEFL exam, you can practice speaking on a wide range of general topics to improve your fluency and confidence.