Top 10 Naruto Quotes

Naruto is one of the most popular anime and manga series of all time. It is a wonderful story about kids who dream of being Ninjas and impacting the world they live in. The show has given the audience a number of emotional, exciting, and inspirational moments.

Some of the quotes on the show will definitely give you chills and make you rethink your worldview. Whether it is Naruto showing his perseverance or Sasuke showing off his darkness or even Jiraiya redeeming himself at his last breath, the show doesn’t fail to touch the audience’s heart and soul with its dialogues and monologues.

10. I Vow To Win

After Naruto saw Hinata being completely decimated by Neiju who had abused the rules of the Chunin exams just so that he would take revenge for what the upper branch of Hyuga Clan did. The sight of a man beating a young girl was enough to anger Naruto.

“I vow to win!” in this context reminds the audience to fight for the weak and stand up to the oppressor. And not because you are strong but because you are good. These four simple words have such a deep meaning to them.

9. Nothing Wrong with crying…… when you are happy

Inari and Naruto started out as a love-hate relationship. Naruto made fun of Inari for being weak and unmanly because of Inari’s constant crying habits. But when Naruto sees him trying to defend his mother, he is very impressed.

When Inari starts crying from the experience when Naruto approaches, Inari, worried that Naruto might make fun of him, approaches him. Naruto, though, tells him it’s okay to cry every once in a while. It is important that we imprison our emotions but feel them.

8. Never Underestimate me, I don’t quit, I never run!

After Naruto finds out that he might fail the Chunin exams and stay Genin longer, this is his reaction. Funnily enough, he does fail his Chunin exam and stays a Genin for majority of his Shinobi career, before he is inaugurated as a Hokage.

This line gives the audience three important lessons, firstly do not give up, no matter how hard the situation ahead looks. Secondly, just because you don’t give up, doesn’t mean you will not fail and lastly, just because you failed does not mean, you won’t make it. It’s the mindset that’s important, not the success.

7. Those who do not understand true pain, can never understand True Peace.

This is a dark, nihilistic quote by Pain but it does have an underlying positive message for all of us. Pain and suffering are part of life, we all have to go through it, that’s the rule of the universe. Our pain, suffering and scars make us who we are, yet they do not define us.

We can never know true peace without knowing sorrow, we will never know love without hate, we will never know the importance of friendship without enmity. I could go on, but darkness is a reminder of how bright Light is.

6. I shut my eyes a long time ago…. The things I seek now lie in the Darkness.

Sasuke is one of the tragic characters on the show. His quote here might seem dark and negative but it is actually way more positive than it sounds. In the context, Sasuke is claiming that he has closed his eyes to all the negative things that happened to him and is pushing forward to achieve his goals.

This is true for us as well. Many times we are surrounded by negativity, in the form of thoughts, work stress, people and just like Sasuke, sometimes we need to close our eyes to them and seek for our goals in the dark.

5. A true measure of a Shinobi is not how he lives but how he dies.

Jiraiya’s death at the hand of Six Paths of Pain was one of the most tragic scenes in the show. Jiraiya in his final moments can only think about his protege, Naruto. Jiraiya’s quote, “A true measure of a Shinobi is not how he lives but how he dies” is a reminder for all of us that we can all rise above our past mistakes.

No matter how grave the mistake looks, there is always a chance to get things right. You will always have a choice at doing the right thing, you just need to be willing to take it. It is also proof that anyone can change and we all deserve a second chance.

4. So, I was born with a whole lot of Natural Talent… But I work hard and I never give up. That is my gift. That is my Ninja Way!

Rock Lee is a very inspiring character to ever grace the screen. This hardworking chap was a minor character that had a major impact in the series. He does not have the skill to use Genjutsu or Ninjutsu but he works very hard and with just sheer willpower and confidence he mastered the art of Taijutsu.

This line by Rock Lee is a reminder for everyone who feels like they are not enough to never sell themself short and to believe in themself. It is a constant reminder to persevere and work hard.

3. Those who break Rules are scum but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.

Naruto is about friendship at the end of the day. This line by Kakashi really fits well into the anime. Kakashi reminds the audience that we cannot give up on our friends no matter what. And we see that throughout the series, with Kakashi and Obito, Naruto and Sasuke, and even Zabuza and Haku. By the end of the series in Shippuden, Naruto literally loses his arm just to save his best friend Sasuke.

This is one of the most beautiful lines in the show that is something we all should follow. Friendship is a rare thing and should be held sacred. Leaving friends is disgraceful and evil. Friendship should be a “Ride-or-Die goal, not beneficiary act. And Team 7 is a great example of that.

2. Failing does not give you a reason to give up.

Naruto’s biggest fear is that he will eventually give up. Majority of Naruto’s quotes are about hard work and perseverance. Naruto believes there are two failures; (1) External Failure and (2) Internal Failure. Even if you fail externally, you cannot lose internally, let me rephrase it, you cannot afford to lose internally.

When Naruto faced Six Paths of Pain, Neiji, Madara and many more, for the first time. He lost, he couldn’t defeat them, but he knew he had to keep trying. Likewise, just because you failed once doesn’t mean you give up on your dreams. Always remember what doesn’t kill you only makes you stronger.

1. Dattebayo! (Believe it!)

“Dattebayo!” is Naruto’s official motto in life. It is the only ideology he believes in. The audience has heard this line millions of times by now. This is one of the most repeated lines in the show. The line is very impactful and a reminder for everyone that no matter how hard a situation is, believe in yourself and do not give up.

“Dattebayo!” completely covers Naruto’s character and his motives. It is a very inspirational line with an important message for everyone. It serves as a reminder to all of us that you have to stay positive and commit to our goals and dreams.


Naruto is a series filled with inspirational quotes, monologues and characters. Every episode the audience gets to hear something that will just make them think. But to compress it down in one line, the main theme of the show is to persevere through hardship and tensions.

The show teaches us to never give up and stay loyal, honest and work hard towards your goals. Problems, pain, sorrows, depression, and all of the negativity will come your way as you journey through this life but they are not the constant, they are the obstacles that you must cross.

Top 10 Naruto Quotes – FAQs

1. What is Naruto’s most used line?


“Believe it!” is the most used line by Naruto. It is a reminder to everyone that they have to believe in themselves and their ability. Or as it is said in Japanese, “Dattebayo!”

2. Why does Naruto keep saying “Dattebayo!” in the show?


When Naruto says, “Dattebayo!” He is making a statement. Naruto’s Ninja ways or “Nindō” is never going back on his word and “Dattebayo” is a call to believe in his vow.

3. What is the most inspirational quote from Naruto?


“Hard Work is worthless for those who do not believe in themselves.” While hard work is important, you need to believe in yourself to make the hard work fruitful. Hard work without self confidence is like a mango seed sowed in a desert, it will never become a tree nor will it bear any fruits.

4. What is Boruto’s favourite phrase?


“Dattebasa!” is a phrase, audience constantly hears from Naruto’s son, Boruto. It is a variation of “Dattebayo.” While it also implies, “Believe it!” it can also mean, “You’ll see.”