Top 10 Technology Trends in 2024

In today’s fast-paced life, TECHNOLOGY has taken the reins of the world and emerged rapidly. As per a survey, it is expected that in the next 5 years, there will be globally an addition of 150M technology-related jobs. New technologies are constantly being evolved that will shape the upcoming future. This simply means that you need to constantly learn the latest technological trends to secure top jobs and sustain yourself in the industry. Looking ahead to the next 10 years, staying attuned to Top Technology Trends 2024 will be vital for professional success.

Every trend has a lot of potential to allow individuals to stay in the ever-growing tech domain and also help organizations upgrade their business processes in such a way their potential customers can connect with them very easily.

In this article, we will be covering the top 10 technology trends for 2024 that you can learn. Furthermore, we will also discuss the best resources that you can use to enhance your knowledge about trending technologies.

Top Technology Trends 2024

Here, we have listed some of the most-recent new technology breakthroughs to keep an eye on in 2024.

  1. Generative AI
  2. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning
  3. Blockchain
  4. Cybersecurity
  5. Low Code/No-Code
  6. Full Stack development
  7. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)
  8. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  9. Internet of  Things (IoT)
  10. Edge Computing

1. Generative AI

Generative AI, an advanced technology, has transformed various industries by allowing machines to produce content that resembles human-created work. It covers a wide range of uses, from generating text to creating images and even composing music. Mastering generative AI opens doors to exciting careers in areas like AI research, data science, and creative fields. The expanding applications of generative AI offer a promising future for those skilled in this technology, influencing how we interact and create digital content.

Some top job opportunities include:

  • Being an AI Researcher, exploring advanced generative models;
  • Data Scientist, using generative AI for valuable insights;
  • A Content Creator, using generative AI for creative storytelling;
  • An AI Ethics Consultant, addressing the ethical considerations of AI-generated content.

Average Salary: INR 8 LPA to INR 15 LPA.

2. Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

Artificial Intelligence which is also known as AI has been one of the emerging technology trends in 2021 and continue to be on the top of the list in 2024 all due to the right reasons. Artificial intelligence refers to the ability of computers to perform tasks that are done by humans as they require supreme intelligence. As per the latest survey, more than 75% of venture capital investors will use AI to collect information by 2025. AI will be used to detect customer behavior, enhance the personalized experience, analyze data and make better insights.

So AI is the future and it is expected to create a whopping 2.4 million jobs. Machine Learning on the other hand is a part of AI and there’s a gigantic tide riding in the coming years for tech professionals. According to a survey, AI and Machine Learning will be accountable for 9% of all new technological jobs in the US by 2025.

Average Salary: INR 9 LPA to INR 14 LPA.

3. Blockchain

A blockchain simply refers to a chain of blocks that facilitates the process of recording transactions. As per the survey, the global spending on Blockchain will reach a whopping $11.7 billion by the end of 2024. Blockchain is used in a lot of fields like Cryptocurrencies, IoT devices, smart contracts, legal documentation, digital voting, smart cars, the food and chemical industry, and many more. 

Blockchain technology, digital assets, and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are going to transform our world, and this technology will continue to advance in 2024. These advancements extend beyond Bitcoin to include smart contracts that permit us to verify ownership with NFTs.

Future technology like Blockchain promises amazing job opportunities, insanely high salaries, and global recognition.

Average Salary: INR 7 LPA to INR 20 LPA.

4. Cybersecurity

Cybersecurity professionals are the individuals who identify threats and vulnerabilities in the system and then implement high-tech solutions to defend against all types of cybercrimes. Cybersecurity has played a major role in securing the safety of user experience.

As per the latest reports, India will have more than 1.5 million unfulfilled job vacancies in the cybersecurity domain by 2025. So this is an amazing technology to build your career in.

Average salary of a cybersecurity expert ranges between INR 3 LPA – 40LPA based on the skillset and expertise. 

5. Low Code/No-Code

Low Code/No-Code has put the world on a pedestal as it’s speeding up the software development process. Low Code/No Code allows you to create business and mobile apps with little to no coding skills. According to a study, the future of low-code or no-code is with an expected growth rate of 44.4% by 2024 to $27.23 billion (up from $4.32 billion in 2017). It is predicted that the market for app development will grow at least 5x faster than the IT capacity to provide those services.

Therefore, the rise of apps developed by businesses has been triggered by the demand for digital transformation. The demand for developers and platforms is not high enough to meet the demand. 

Average Salary: INR 9 LPA to INR 15 LPA.

6. Full Stack development

Full stack development involves creating both the visible part that users interact with (front-end) and the behind-the-scenes part that manages data and functionality (back-end) in web or software applications. Full stack developers are skilled in various programming languages and technologies, enabling them to handle the entire software process. This approach has become popular as businesses look for adaptable developers capable of building complete solutions quickly.

Full stack development simplifies the creation process, making it faster to develop and release products. In simpler terms, a full stack developer is like a versatile chef who can handle every aspect of cooking, from preparing ingredients (back-end) to serving a delicious dish (front-end), ensuring a seamless and efficient development journey.

Average Salary: INR 7 LPA to INR 16 LPA.

7. Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR)

Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are proven to be the top innovations that have the highest growth potential. VR submerges one into a virtual environment whereas AR enhances the user experience which is achieved by the use of digital, visual, sound, and sensory technology.

As per the survey, the AR market is expected to increase by $198 billion by the year 2025 and around 171 million people are using VR technology. To ace, this field you don’t require any specialized knowledge all you need is basic programming skills and cognitive ability.

Metaverse has indulged a part in VR and AR and continuing to expand its horizon.

 Average Salary: INR 4 LPA to INR 15 LPA.

8. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a method of automating business processes such as data collection and analysis, customer service, and other repetitive tasks that were previously operated manually.

RPA, like AI and Machine Learning, is a constantly evolving technology that automates many jobs in a variety of industries. Less than 5% of jobs today can be completely automated, but nearly 60% can be partially automated.

RPA opens up a slew of new career paths and opportunities, such as those for programmers, project managers, business analysts, and consultants. It also opens doors to high-paying jobs in leading organizations with a moderate learning curve. Choosing this technology as a career path can be extremely beneficial.

 Average Salary: INR 4.4LPA to INR 24 LPA.

9. Internet of  Things (IoT)

IoT is one of the most promising technological trends in 2024 that is disrupting the digital world. The Internet of Things, or IoT, is a network of devices that interconnect to the internet and share data with one another.

IoT devices include not only computers, laptops, and smartphones, but also objects that have been outfitted with chips that allow them to collect and connect data over a network. By 2025, it is gauged that there will be more than 21 billion IoT devices.

 Average Salary: INR 4 LPA to INR 16 LPA.

10. Edge Computing

Once considered a trendy technology, cloud computing is now a mainstream practice dominated by major players like AWS, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform. While the adoption of cloud computing is still on the rise, a new trend has emerged – edge computing. As businesses grapple with increasing data volumes, they’ve noticed limitations in cloud computing, leading to the rise of edge computing.

Edge computing aims to address these limitations by processing data closer to where it’s needed, bypassing the delays associated with sending data to a centralized data center. This is especially helpful for time-sensitive data in remote locations with limited connectivity. Think of edge computing as mini data centers at the edge of the network. Staying updated on cloud computing, including emerging trends like edge and quantum computing, opens doors to exciting job opportunities such as Cloud Reliability Engineer, Cloud Infrastructure Engineer, Cloud Architect and Security Architect, and DevOps Cloud Engineer.

 Average Salary: INR 25 LPA to INR 40 LPA.


In our fast-paced world, technology dominates, with a projected addition of 150 million global tech jobs in the next 5 years. Staying abreast of the latest trends is crucial for career sustainability. Looking ahead to the next 10 years, the top 10 tech trends for 2024 offer immense potential for individuals and businesses. From Generative AI shaping content creation to the transformative power of Blockchain in various industries, these trends promise exciting opportunities that will resonate over the next decade.

Adapting to these innovations becomes even more critical for long-term professional success and sustained relevance in the dynamic tech domain.

Top Technology Trends – FAQs

What new technology is coming in 2024?

New technology in 2024 includes advanced Generative AI, transformative developments in Blockchain, and widespread adoption of edge computing, shaping the future of digital landscapes.

What are the Internet trends in 2024?

Internet trends in 2024 feature increased AR and VR usage, with the AR market expected to grow by $198 billion, fostering immersive digital experiences for users.

What are the digital innovation trends in 2024?

Digital innovation trends in 2024 encompass the rise of low code/no-code development, accelerating software creation, and the continuous evolution of IoT, connecting over 21 billion devices for enhanced data sharing.