Top 7 Web Development Myths That You Must Know

In this ever-evolving technological world – e-commerce, websites, networking, and online apps have made a strong effect. Considering all these services under one head, we call it Web development. Apart from creating a dynamic website, it has other features too. For example, web engineering, network configurations, content management, etc. Different organizations dealing in several prospective have their own set of web development processes. It has diverse meanings for every individual, business, client, and employee.

However, this variation leads to some misconceptions. So, this article is all about clear the uncertainties regarding the myths about web development.

Myth #1 – Web Development is a Simple Task

Most people possess the wrong idea that web development is all about creating a website. However, we have already discussed that it is something more than that. the developers have several other things to do rather than creating websites. Developers need to possess proficient skills in their field. Also, they have to be updated with all the technology trends. One needs a better knowledge about programming languages such as CSS, HTML, JavaScript, etc., Moreover testing the website, controlling them, and running them optimally is not so easy. Creating a website is something basic but its development requires a lot of exposure. You must have in-depth knowledge about it. Undoubtedly, website creation is a step in the process but you need to dig deeper to be a professional.

Myth #2 – A Developer Needs to be Multi-Tasker

Another myth that has confused a lot of people is that a developer is a genius to performs every task of development. Undoubtedly, some developers are really capable but it does not turn the myth into reality. The truth is that a developer can create a website with codes and programming languages and make it worthy. However, there are other aspects to consider during web development. For example, content creation, data analysis, graphics designing, and some others. The developers solely cannot perform all these duties and they need other technicians to work on it. Developers can work hard in programming and languages and make themselves more worthy of the development procedures. Despite this, they require the help of their teams to develop the website.

Myth #3 – It is Not Necessary to Have a Responsive Web Design

To the people who do not have an idea about responsive web design, it basically helps the websites to appear perfectly on different screens. For example, desktops, tabs, and smartphones. This myth is totally baseless as despite having a beautifully designed web page, your customers will not be satisfied. Your website must have a similarity on every device, so people love to visit again without having any issues. It is necessary to check your web design’s responsiveness as customers’ proximity depends on it. Contents, information, and usability of the web page must not differ from the screen variations. It should be similar to all devices with minimum and maximum sizes.

Myth #4 – E-commerce Websites Costs More Expenses

This is another myth related to web development that e-commerce website charges more cost while creation. However, it is not true. The expenses mainly depend upon the features, designs, and layouts of the websites. The expenses rise with the increase of complexities on the websites. The best person to quote the perfect pricing of a website is your service provider. You can ask them to lower the expenses by putting more effort into adding extra features to the website. Moreover, you can simply adjust the design and layouts of your website as per your needs. Also, you are eligible to add extra functions and features within your budget according to an e-commerce website.

Myth #5 – Attractive Homepage is All We Need

As the homepage is the first thing to appear on the website, it is necessary to build it attractive. However, it is not the only factor that brings engagements to the prior website. So, this is just a myth and not a reality. Talking about the needs of a website, you must have to mention the products as well as the services offered. Websites are not just for appealing people; you need engagements too. The overall performance of the website is all that matters. the quality that is offered will reflect its reputation to make it strong. You need to check that all your web pages are in working condition and offering quality services. If you have an e-commerce site, ensure that all the inbuilt tabs are working.

Myth #6 – Creating a Website is the Last Thing

People have a misconception that as soon as their website is created the work is done. However, it is not that simple. Creating a website is just the start. More than building a quality website, you need to nurture it with all trends and advancements. In the initial stages, you need to check the customer’s engagements, their proximities, websites’ server, and other things. It is necessary that your customers can smoothly access the websites and fulfill their requirements. The website requires constant maintenance. With the upcoming technological updates and trends, you need to update the site with relevant content and necessary plugins. The website will need you in case any error or bugs appears.

Myth #7 – No Need for SEO While Website Creation

The last myth that people believe is the absence of SEO factors while the web development procedure. We do not only need SEO after launching the website and while writing content and blogs – but SEO is also necessary from the beginning of web development. SEO is required in the early stage for different purposes, such as the following:

  • Building Page Responsiveness
  • Creating HTTPS for security concerns
  • Increase the speed of the website
  • Arranges the website in Hierarchical order
  • Creating sitemaps and robots.txt files
  • Enhancing the URL structure of the webpages
  • Maintaining the Tags such as Title, Meta Description, and Heading tags as well.

Conclusion – These myths have caused a lot of websites to crash or not work properly. Web developers must be wary of such misconceptions and hence is best to ignore them. To build a successful website page, ensure that you understand what your client needs and deliver accordingly. We have been listening to the myth for a very long time and now it’s all smashed. Despite believing in these myths, we must avoid them and do plenty of research to make everything clear. With your own independent researches, you can face the reality and create a website easily.