Top SAP ABAP Interview Questions for Experienced

SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is a high-level programming language created by the German software company SAP SE. In this article, we are going to discuss SAP ABAP Interview Questions for Experienced. Here is the list of frequently asked interview questions on SAP ABAP. 

Top SAP ABAP Interview Questions for Experienced

Table of Content

  • 1. What do you mean by 3-tier Architecture in SAP ABAP Please Explain.
  • 2. Does the SAP ABAP Object Supports multiple inheritances?
  • 3. Explain IDoc in SAP ABAP?
  • 4. Please explain SAP ALE in details:
  • 5. Please Explain different types of views in SAP ABAP.
  • 6. What are the differences between ALE and EDI in SAP?
  • 7. What are the different types of data dictionary objects in SAP ABAP?
  • 8. What is the difference between Abstract Class Vs Interface in SAP ABAP?
  • 9. What are OSS note in SAP ABAP?
  • 10. What are Transport Request in SAP ABAP?

1. What do you mean by 3-tier Architecture in SAP ABAP Please Explain.

Answer: SAP R/3 architecture is a multi-tiered structure that comprises three main layers: the Presentation Layer, the Application Layer, and the Database Layer. This architectural model enables organizations to integrate and streamline their business processes and data management effectively. with SAP R/3we are moving our resources from mainframe computing to the three-tier architecture of the presentation, Application, and database layer.

  • The Presentation Layer: The Presentation Layer is the topmost tier in the SAP R/3 architecture and is responsible for providing user interfaces for interacting with the system. It serves as the gateway for users to access and interact with SAP applications.
  • The Application Layer: The Application Layer is the middle tier of the SAP R/3 architecture. It houses the business logic and application programs that execute various business processes. This layer is responsible for processing user requests, performing data validation, and executing application logic.
  • The Database Layer: The Database Layer is the lowest tier in the SAP R/3 architecture and is responsible for storing and managing data. It stores all the business data, configuration settings, and user information. Databases like SAP HANA, Oracle, or Microsoft SQL Server are commonly used in the Database Layer.

SAP R/3 Architecture diagram

2. Does the SAP ABAP Object Supports multiple inheritances?

Answer: No, SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) does not support multiple inheritances for classes. ABAP supports single inheritance, which means that a class can inherit properties and methods from a single superclass (base class). ABAP supports multiple interface inheritance, which allows a class to implement multiple interfaces. This way, a class can define and inherit the behavior specified in multiple interfaces, but it cannot inherit the implementation of methods from multiple classes.

3. Explain IDoc in SAP ABAP?

Answer: An IDoc (Intermediate Document) in SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming) is a standardized data format used for exchanging business data between different SAP systems or between SAP and non-SAP systems. IDocs serve as a means of asynchronous communication and data exchange, allowing organizations to transmit and receive structured data efficiently.

4. Please explain SAP ALE in details:

Answer: SAP ALE stands for Application Link Enabling is a technology that is used to swap business data between various SAP system or between SAP and non-SAP systems. It acts as an integration technology which enables the different types of applications and system operations within an organization to facilitate the business processing and flow of information. In simple terms, SAP ALE describes the message flow between logical systems.

There are three layers in the ALE system and that is mentioned below:

  • Application services – One of the integration technologies which comprise of business messages and data management in SAP systems.
  • Distribution services – It allows us to distribute data asynchronously which means that data is sent from one system to another without any real time connection or immediate processing of any data or an process activity.
  • Communication services – It uses communication by using some methods such as RFC, IDocs and other standard protocols.

5. Please Explain different types of views in SAP ABAP.

Answer: In SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming), “views” refer to different types of data views or database views that allow you to define and manipulate data in a structured manner. These views provide a way to access, filter, and display data from database tables or other views. The main types of views in SAP ABAP are:

  • Database View: A database view is a logical view of data that combines fields from one or more database tables into a single virtual table.
  • Projection View: A projection view is a type of database view that selects specific fields from one or more tables without joining them.
  • Help View: A help view is a type of database view that simplifies data retrieval from multiple tables, making it easier to select and display values in drop-down lists or input help fields.
  • Maintenance View: A maintenance view is used for managing data in a set of related tables, typically tables that share a common key field.

6. What are the differences between ALE and EDI in SAP?

Answer: ALE is a technology and framework for enabling communication and data exchange primarily within the SAP ecosystem. It is used for integrating and automating business processes between different SAP systems, such as SAP ERP, SAP CRM, and SAP BW, or between SAP and non-SAP systems. ALE focuses on data distribution, business process automation, and asynchronous communication within the SAP landscape.

EDI is a standardized method for exchanging structured business documents and data between different organizations, often across industry boundaries. It is not limited to SAP systems and can be used for intercompany communication with various partners, including suppliers, customers, and logistics providers. EDI focuses on document exchange, such as purchase orders, invoices, and shipping notifications.

7. What are the different types of data dictionary objects in SAP ABAP?

Answer: There are several types of aggregate objects in ABAP DDIC, including tables, views, search help and lock objects. Each type of aggregate object serves a specific purpose and has its own unique characteristics. For example, tables are used to store data in the SAP system, views provide a consolidated view of data stored in one or more tables, and domains define the data type and rules for a specific field in a table. Each of the aggregated objects is explained in detail below:

  • Database Tables: In SAP ABAP, database tables are used to store data in the SAP system. The data is stored in rows and columns, similar to a spreadsheet. Tables can be defined in the ABAP Data Dictionary (DDIC) using the SE11 transaction.
  • Views: A view in SAP ABAP is a virtual table that provides a view of the data stored in one or more database tables. Views can be used to simplify data access, as they provide a single, consolidated view of the underlying data.
  • Data Types: A data type in SAP ABAP is a definition of the type of data that can be stored in a field. The DDIC provides a set of predefined data types, such as character, numeric, and date, as well as the ability to define custom data types.
  • Type Groups: A type group in SAP ABAP is a collection of data types that are grouped together for easier management and reuse. The data types within a type group can be used in multiple programs, making it easier to maintain consistency in data definitions.
  • Domain: A domain in SAP ABAP is a data type definition in the DDIC that is used to define a specific field in a table. It provides a set of rules that govern the values that can be entered into the field, such as the data type, length, and number of decimal places.
  • Search Help: Search help in SAP ABAP is a tool that helps the user find a specific value within a data field. It is a type of input help that is used to display a list of valid values for a field. Search helps can be assigned to fields in the DDIC to provide the user with a list of valid values during data entry.
  •  Lock Objects: A lock object in SAP ABAP is a mechanism used to synchronize access to shared data in a multi-user environment. It is used to ensure that multiple users do not simultaneously update the same data record, which can result in data inconsistencies. 

8. What is the difference between Abstract Class Vs Interface in SAP ABAP?

Answer: There are following difference between Abstract class and interface in SAP ABAP:

Abstract class in SAP ABAP is a special type of class, which can not be instantiated, which means we can not create objects of that class. it needs to be subclassed by another class to use its properties. An abstract class can include one or more abstract methods, which are method declarations without an implementation. When a class inherits from an abstract class, it is required to provide implementations for all the abstract methods declared in the abstract class.

The interface in SAP ABAP is different from the class, it can not have any implementation like the class. It defines a set of method declarations that a class must implement without providing any implementation detail of that method. Interface helps in achieving multiple inheritance. Multiple inheritance can be defined as a class can inherit multiple interfaces. Due to Inheritance interface provides a base for polymorphism because the method declared in the interface behaves differently in different classes. Like class Interface can be defined locally or globally in the ABAP programming language.

9. What are OSS note in SAP ABAP?

Answer: In SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming), OSS Notes (Online Service System Notes), also known as SAP Notes, are a crucial part of SAP’s support and maintenance system. They are used to distribute updates, fixes, patches, and other corrections to SAP customers. OSS Notes are used to deliver corrections and improvements for SAP software. These corrections can include bug fixes, security updates, performance enhancements, legal changes, and other improvements to SAP applications.

10. What are Transport Request in SAP ABAP?

Answer: In SAP ABAP (Advanced Business Application Programming), a Transport Request, often referred to simply as a “transport,” is a mechanism for managing and moving software objects, configurations, and developments across different system landscapes within an organization. Transport requests are an integral part of the SAP Change and Transport System (CTS) and play a crucial role in the development and deployment of SAP applications.

The above questions are the list of the most asked interview questions for SAP ABAP, After solving the above questions you will feel confident to crack any interview.