Trackip – Advance IP tracker tool in Kali Linux

Trackip is a free and open source available on GitHub. This tool can retrieve IP or Domain Geolocation, This tool can retrieve your own Geolocation, this tool selects random proxy in a new line and the IP geolocation maps that IP using Google Map. Track IP tool is used to find information about IP address in your kali Linux operating system. This tool is used to retrieve IP Geolocation information. This tool is powered by ip-api which is an API used to retrieve information about IP Geolocation. This tool is a bash script. This tool is written in bash language you must have bash language installed in your system in order to use the tool. In order to use the tool, you must have 

System Requirement:

  • Python3
  • termcolor modules
  • colorama modules


Step 1: Before installing the tool you have to install the dependencies of the tool using the following command.

apt install git curl -y

Step 2: Now install the tool from GitHub using the following command.

git clone git://

Step 3: The tool has been downloaded to your kali Linux operating system. Now move to the directory using the following command.

cd track-ip

Step 3: Now you are in track-ip directory. Use the following command to run the tool.

bash trackip

Step 4: The tool is downloaded and running successfully. Now the tool is giving 3 options it’s upon you for what you choose. If you want to know the geo-ip location details of your own ip address type 01 or 02.


Now let’s check another IP. Here we are using google IP(

You can see that the track-ip tool is giving accurate geo-ip location. This is how you can also perform experiments using the track-ip tool.