Traffic Signs and Road Safety Rules in India

Traffic signs, often known as road signs, are signs placed alongside roadways to advise drivers of important information. Instead of using words as symbols, pictorial signs are used. These are traffic control devices that need careful consideration, observance, and appropriate driving behavior. Traffic signs have the goal of providing information and instructions about the road ahead to vehicles, pedestrians, and other drivers via visual indicators. These signs are important because they control traffic, maintain road safety, and meet international standards.

In this article, we have provided all types of Traffic Signs – Mandatory Traffic Signs, Cautionary Traffic Signs, Informatory Traffic Signs, and Road safety rules.

Table of Content

  • What are Traffic Signs?
  • Types of Traffic Signs
  • Mandatory Traffic Signs
  • Cautionary Traffic Signs
  • Informatory Traffic Signs
  • Functions of Traffic Signs in India
  • Importance of Traffic Signs
  • Road Safety Rules and Measures
  • Road Safety Education
  • Celebration of Road Safety Week

What are Traffic Signs?

Traffic signs are warning systems that alert vehicles and pedestrians to potential hazards on the road. On Indian highways, there are about 400 car crashes per day that result in fatalities. In India, the purpose of traffic signs is to alert drivers of important information and ensure that there are no unnecessary interruptions in traffic. The traffic signals and signs in India are essential since all major crossings and roads require guidance and information on the state of the roads.

Everyone in India needs to be aware of traffic signals and other road safety indicators to guarantee both their own and other people’s safety when driving.

Types of Traffic Signs

There are three fundamental categories of traffic signs:

Mandatory Signs

Signs that give orders. These are represented by red circles.

Cautionary Signs

Signs that give warnings. These are represented by red triangles.

Informatory Signs

Signs that give information. These are represented by blue rectangles.

Mandatory Traffic Signs

Mandatory Traffic Signs

All traffic signs must be followed in India. Mandatory signs, however, are essential to abide by and must be followed. The Roadways and Traffic Department of India warns that drivers who disregard traffic laws and signs may be fined. It guarantees that pedestrians are informed of speed limits, no parking zones, and other traffic-related information while still maintaining a smooth traffic flow.

Traffic Signs



Drivers should immediately stop after seeing this.

Give Way

Indicates the traffic to give way to the fellow traffic on the right.

Straight Prohibitor No Entry

Indicates restricted area.

Pedestrian Prohibited

Indicates the place is restricted for walking.

Horn Prohibited

Honking is restricted in areas marked with this sign.

No Parking

Restricts parking of vehicles in areas marked with this sign.

No Stopping or Standing

No vehicle or person should stand or stop at the locations marked with this sign.

Speed Limited

Following the mentioned speed limit is mandatory in these designated areas.

Right Hand Curve

Cautions the driver about a right hand curve.

Left Hand Curve

Cautions the driver about a left hand curve.

Right Hair Pin Bend

Cautions about a sharp right turn.

Left Hair Pin Bend

Cautions about a sharp left turn.

Narrow Road Ahead

Cautions the driver about a narrow road.

Narrow Bridge

Indicates the driver about a narrow bridge on the road ahead.

Pedestrian Crossing

This sign indicates that pedestrians should cross the road.

School Ahead

Cautions the driver about a school nearby.

Round About

Indicates the driver about a circular intersection.

Dangerous Dip

Cautions the driver that there is a sharp dip nearby.

Hump or Rough

Cautions the driver about a hump nearby.

Barrier Ahead

Indicates to the driver that there is a barrier in the road ahead. e.g. Tolls

Cautionary Traffic Signs

Cautionary Traffic Signs

Cautionary signs alert drivers to possible risks or safety hazards ahead on the road, among other traffic signs in India. When cautionary signs are posted on the road, drivers must pay attention to the warnings and either slow down or take the appropriate action. Forty traffic signs in India fall under the cautionary category. Although the pictorial symbols are self-explanatory, the description of each indication is included below for best understanding.

Traffic Signs


Right Hand Curve

Cautions the driver about a right hand curve.

Left Hand Curve

Cautions the driver about a left hand curve.

Right Hair Pin Bend

Cautions about a sharp right turn.

Left Hair Pin Bend

Cautions about a sharp left turn.

Right Reverse Bend

Caution the driver that there is a zigzag turn to the right.

Left Reverse Bend

Caution the driver that there is a zigzag turn to the left.

Steep Ascent

Indicates that there is a steep rising upwards nearby

Steep Descent

Indicates that there is a steep descending downwards nearby

Narrow Road Ahead

Indicates to the driver that the road ahead merges into a narrow road.

Road Wideness Ahead

Indicates to the driver that the road ahead widens.

Narrow Bridge

Indicates the driver about a narrow bridge on the road ahead.

Slippery Road

Cautions the driver that gravel or loose earth keeps falling on the road.

Cycle Crossing

Indicates that the road is meant for riding a bicycle.

Pedestrian Crossing

This sign indicates that pedestrians should cross the road.

School Ahead

Cautions the driver about a school nearby.

Men At Work

Indicates that labourers are working on the road ahead.


Indicates the possibility of cattle on the road nearby.

Falling Rocks

Cautions the drivers that the road ahead is prone to falling rocks.


Indicates the presence of ferry service.

Informatory Traffic Signs

Important traffic indicators known as “informatory signs” give drivers information about facility areas even if they are not familiar with maps. It provides information on the closest public restroom, gas station, hospital, and so forth.

Traffic Signs


Right Hand Curve

Cautions the driver about a right hand curve.

Left Hand Curve

Cautions the driver about a left hand curve.

Right Hair Pin Bend

Cautions about a sharp right turn.

Left Hair Pin Bend

Cautions about a sharp left turn.

Right Reverse Bend

Caution the driver that there is a zigzag turn to the right.

Left Reverse Bend

Caution the driver that there is a zigzag turn to the left.

Steep Ascent

Indicates that there is a steep rising upwards nearby

Steep Descent

Indicates that there is a steep descending downwards nearby

Narrow Road Ahead

Indicates to the driver that the road ahead merges into a narrow road.

Road Wideness Ahead

Indicates to the driver that the road ahead widens.

Narrow Bridge

Indicates the driver about a narrow bridge on the road ahead.

Slippery Road

Cautions the driver that gravel or loose earth keeps falling on the road.

Cycle Crossing

Indicates that the road is meant for riding a bicycle.

Functions of Traffic Signs in India

There are several uses for the many traffic signs that are being used in India.

  • Provides information to drivers about the road, nearby amenities, safe lanes to drive in, etc.
  • Maintains traffic discipline
  • Gives driving directions
  • Gives details on potholes, curves, crossroads, etc.
  • Indicates the places of entry and exit
  • Provides information regarding parking lots
  • Explains how to avoid accidents by keeping to the intended speed limit when passing any institution.

Importance of Traffic Signs

Traffic Signs are important because of the following reasons:

  • Maintain a smooth traffic flow to prevent congestion.
  • Preserve life from the possibility of mishaps.
  • Give the relevant details about the upcoming route.
  • Avoid traffic violations when following a route.
  • These indicators are very beneficial for new drivers to have a smooth driving experience.
  • The Roadways and Traffic Department of India updates the traffic signs chart to maintain an improved road traffic system.

Road Safety Rules and Measures

The two most important life-saving techniques that everyone should use when going on roadways are traffic signals and road safety regulations. These safety measures aim to decrease the risk of injury and prevent traffic accidents.


When driving a vehicle on the road, never try to pass another driver. When driving on the road, never engage in racing with another vehicle.  You are not only breaking the law when you drive, but you also put at risk the lives of other drivers.

Continuous Honking

It is not recommended to continuously honk your car while driving. Never repeatedly use it while driving a vehicle since this will divert the attention of the driver in front of you. You could also promote an issue like noise pollution in addition to this.

Careful Parking

Every driver should remember to take extra care of their vehicles when parking.  Even if you are only parking your car for a short while, you should still park it neatly to avoid causing any problems for other people.

One-Way Road’s Regulations

When driving a vehicle on a one-way road, you need to stay on that road at all times. These roads are designed only for the driver’s convenience and only for a little distance.

Sticking to the Particular Lane

Throughout the whole driving process, the driver of the vehicle should stay in the lane corresponding with the direction they are traveling in.  When a driver violates lane guidelines because of speed, he also has an impact on other cars on the road.  For this reason, the car should always be driven in the appropriate lane.

U-Turn Safety Regulations

It is not the driver’s right to make a U-turn at any time; instead, these features are there simply to help the driver. When doing a U-turn, the driver requires extreme caution. He must make a U-turn after observing the flow of traffic; otherwise, there may be a collision with approaching traffic.

Road Safety Education

Road safety education is frequently offered in public spaces, businesses, colleges, clubs, and schools. However, there might be further approaches to raising public awareness:

  • Give brochures and leaflets to the students.
  • In the classroom, give presentations on traffic signs, road safety, and the negative consequences of accidents.
  • Distribute content over the internet to colleagues.
  • Parents should be encouraged to teach their kids real-time preventive techniques.
  • Teach educators the fundamental rules and legislation about driving.

Celebration of Road Safety Week

Road Safety Week is an annual event observed by major Indian metropolises to raise awareness of various traffic signals and encourage people to drive safely. Throughout the week, the transportation departments of several states raise awareness in workplaces, schools, colleges, and on the highways by implementing community-building initiatives. Also, they raise awareness of the dangers of drunk driving, speeding, and the necessity of seat belts for drivers of four-wheelers and helmets for bikers. They also provide information on driving signs and traffic. They occasionally pick themes to convey to the general public. ‘Sadak Suraksha Jeevan Raksha’ was observed in India from January 10 to January 17, 2022.

Summary – Traffic Signs and Road Safety Rules in India

Traffic signs play a crucial role in ensuring road safety and maintaining a smooth flow of traffic. In India, where there are around 400 car crashes resulting in fatalities every day, these signs provide essential information to drivers and pedestrians. Divided into three categories – mandatory, cautionary, and informatory – these signs convey orders, warnings, and information through symbols. Mandatory signs include “Stop” and “No Parking,” cautionary signs warn about curves and hazards, while informatory signs provide details about facilities like hospitals and gas stations. Following traffic rules and understanding these signs is vital for everyone’s safety on the road. Road safety education and events like Road Safety Week further contribute to raising awareness and promoting safe driving practices.

FAQs on Traffic Signs and Road Safety in India

1. Why traffic signs are important in road safety?

To ensure that traffic moves smoothly on the roads, traffic signs provide information on the state of the roads and serve as a guide for cars to follow at junctions, roundabouts, and major crossroads.

2. What is the role of traffic light?

Traffic lights are important because these lights permit traffic to go in the proper direction. They also assist in keeping people safe when driving by preventing traffic congestion.

3. What are the traffic light rules?

Red: Stop; don’t move forward. Red and Amber: Prepare to move forward, but don’t move forward. Green: If the crossing or intersection is clear, proceed; automobiles are not permitted to obstruct the crossing or intersection. Amber: Hold off until it’s safe to do so.

4. What is the most important rule of the road?

Driving to prevent accidents or injury to other road users is the most important traffic law. This can be achieved by leaving a safety bubble, driving within the law, and predicting the actions of other drivers.

5. What do yellow road signs mean?

Most warning signs are diamond-shaped and are yellow with black text or symbols. These indicators alert you to an unusual circumstance or danger ahead, so slow down and be ready to stop if needed.