Triangular Based Puzzle For Bank PO Exams

Importance of Triangular-based Puzzle-

In banking exams such as IBPS, SBI, RRB PO, and Clerk, Triangular-based Puzzles play an important role in the Reasoning Ability Section. Either in prelims or mains exams, there are high chances that you will get at least one set including 5 questions from a Triangular-based Puzzle. Aspirants should practice questions on Triangular-based Puzzles.

Directions (1-5): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.

Six persons- U, V, W, X, Y, and Z are sitting at the triangular table facing the centre. Three persons are sitting in a corner and the remaining persons are sitting in the middle of the table at an equal distance. They are using a laptop of different brands – Sony, Apple, Dell, HP, Acer, and Asus but not necessarily in the same order. The one who uses the Apple brand sits third to the left of W. Only one person sits between W and the one who uses Sony. W sits in the middle of the table. The one who uses the Acer brand sits immediate left of the one who sits third to the right of Y. Y neither uses Apple nor Sony. The one who uses HP sits immediate right of the one who uses Dell. V uses Asus. X sits second to the left of the one who sits immediate right of Z. U neither uses HP nor Apple. X does not sit middle of the table.

Que 1. What is the position of Y with respect to the one who uses Apple? 

A. Immediate left 
B. Immediate right 
C. Second to the right 
D. Third to the right 
E. Second to the left

Que 2. Which of the following combination is true? 

II. X-Apple 
III. Z-Sony 

A. Only II 
B. Only II and III 
C. Only III 
D. All I, II, and III 
E. None of these

Que 3. Who among the following person uses an HP laptop? 

A. Z 
B. U 
C. The one who sits on the immediate left of the one who uses Asus 
D. The one who sits second to the left of X 
E. The one who sits immediate right of the one who uses Dell

Que 4. Who among the following person uses Dell Laptop? 

A. The one who sits second to the right of V 
B. The one who sits immediate right of Z 
C. U 
D. The one who sits second to the left of W 
E. Z

Que 5. How many persons are sitting between X and the one who uses Acer when counted from the right of X?

A. None 
B. One
C. Two 
D. Four
E. Three

Directions (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.

Nine balls are numbered from 1 to 9 and are kept in a triangle-shaped box. All the balls are facing toward the centre of the box and two balls are kept on each side where one ball is kept at each corner. Ball 6 is kept fourth to the left of ball 5. Neither ball 6 nor ball 8 was placed in the corner. Two balls are kept between ball 5 and ball 1. Ball 8 is kept third to the right of ball 1. Only three balls are kept between ball 8 and the ball which is kept immediate left of ball 7. The number of balls kept between ball 7 and ball 3 is one more than the number of balls kept between ball 1 and ball 9 when counted from the right of both 7 and 9. Ball 2 is kept third to the left of ball 4. At least two balls are kept between 2 and 3 when counted from both sides.

Que 6. Which of the following ball is kept third to the left of ball 7?

A. 3
B. 2
C. 8
D. 9
E. None of these

Que 7. Which of the following statement is/are false?

A. Ball 5 is kept fourth to the left of ball 4
B. Only two balls are kept between the balls 8 and 5 when counted to the left of ball5
C. Ball 2 is kept fifth to the left of ball 8
D. Ball 6 is kept fourth to the left of ball 9
E. None of these

Que 8. If all the balls are arranged in the increasing order in the clockwise direction from ball 3, then how many balls remain unchanged?

A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
E. None of these

Que 9. How many balls are kept between ball 5 and ball 7 when counted from the left of ball 7?

A. None
B. One
C. Two
D. Three
E. More than three

Que 10. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way and hence from the group. Which is the one that does not belong to the group?

A. Ball 7
B. Ball 8
C. Ball 5
D. Ball 2
E. Ball 9

Directions (11-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions.

Nine persons- L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S and T are sitting on the triangular table but not necessarily in the same order. Two of them sit on each side and three of them sit on the corner of the table. The persons who sit in the corner are facing outside the centre of the table and the persons who sit in the middle of the table are facing the centre of the table. The consecutive alphabetically named persons are not sitting together. N sits second to the left of T. Only two persons sit between T and S. S sits immediate left of Q, and vice versa. Not more than one person sits between T and Q when counted from the right of Q. M sits second to the left of P, and vice versa. The number of persons sits between M and S is the same as the number of persons sit between N and L when counted from the left of N and right of M. The number of persons sits between O and Q is the same as the number of persons sit between R and O.

Que 11. If all the persons are sitting in the alphabetical order from L in a clockwise direction, then how many persons are unchanged in their position(excluding L)?

A. Two
B. Three
C. One
D. No one
E. Four

Que 12. If O is related to S and M is related to T in a certain way. Then who among the following is related to R?

A. N
B. P
C. The one who sits to the immediate right of L
D. The one who sits to the immediate left of Q
E. L

Que 13. Which of the following combination pair of persons are immediate neighbours?


A. Only II and III
B. Only I and IV
C. Only III and IV
D. Only II and IV
E. Only I and III

Que 14. What is the position of L with respect to N?

A. Second to the left
B. Second to the Right
C. Third to the right
D. Fourth to the right
E. Immediate left

Que 15. Who among the following person sits at the corner of the table?

A. N
B. The one who sits to the immediate right of S
C. The one who sits second to the left of T
D. R
E. L

Directions (16-20): Study the following information carefully and answer the below questions

Six persons-L, M, N, O, P and Q are sitting around the triangular table facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. Three persons are sitting at a corner and the remaining persons are sitting at the edges of the table at an equal distance between them. M sits immediate left of Q. One person sits between Q and N. N does not sit at the corner of the table. N and L are immediate neighbours. The number of persons sitting between M and N is the same as between O and P. P neither sits adjacent to M nor O.

Que 16. Who among the following person sits second to the left of P?

A. M
B. The one who sits second to the right of O
C. Q
D. N
E. The one who sits immediate right of L

Que 17. Four of the following five are alike in a certain way thus form a group. Find the odd one which does not belong to the group?

A. L
B. P
C. The one who sits immediate left of Q
D. M
E. The one who sits third to the left of L

Que 18. How many persons are sitting between L and P when counted to the right of P?

A. Two
B. Three
C. Four
D. None
E. One

Que 19. If all the persons are made to sit in the alphabetical order from L in a clockwise direction, then how many persons are unchanged in their position excluding L?

A. Four
B. Three
C. Two
D. One
E. None

Que 20. Which of the following statement is/are true with respect to M?

I. M is an immediate neighbour of O
II. Two persons are sitting between M and N
III. L sits second to the left of M

A. Only I and III
B. Only III
C. All I, II and III
D. Only II
E. None of these


Answer and Solution: 

Direction: (1-5)

We have,
1. The one who uses the Apple brand sits third to the left of W.
2. Only one person sits between W and the one who uses Sony.
3. W sits at the middle of the table.

From the above condition, there are two possibilities.


Again we have,
4. The one who uses the Acer brand sits immediate left of the one who sits third to the right of Y.
5. Y neither uses Apple nor Sony.

From the above condition, there are three possibilities.



Again we have,
6. The one who uses HP sits immediate right of the one who uses Dell.
7. V uses Asus.
8. X sits second to the left of the one who sits immediate right of Z.
9. U neither uses HP nor Apple.

X does not sit middle of the table. In both case1 and case1a X sits in the middle so they are eliminated. 

From the above condition, case1 and case1a get eliminated. Case 2 shows the final arrangement.


Therefore the final arrangement without violating any condition is, 


1) Answer: C
Hence, the position of Y with respect to the one who uses Apple is Second to the right.

2) Answer: B
Hence, X-Apple and Z-Sony is the correct answer.

3) Answer: E
Hence, The one who sits immediate right of the one who uses Dell is the following person who uses an HP laptop.

4) Answer: B
Hence, The one who sits immediate right of Z is the following person uses Dell Laptop.

5) Answer: E
Hence, persons are sitting between X and the one who uses Acer when counted from the right of X is Three.

Direction: (6-10)

Here we have

1. Ball 6 is kept fourth to the left of ball 5. 

2. Ball 6 is not placed at the corner.

From the above condition, we have 2 possibilities


Now we have,

3. Two balls are kept between ball 5 and ball 1.

4. Ball 8 is kept third to the right of ball 1.

5. Ball 8 is not placed at the corner.


From statement 5 we can eliminate case II.

6. Only three balls are kept between ball 8 and the ball which is immediately left of ball 7.
7. The number of balls kept between ball 7 and ball 3 is one more than the number of balls kept between ball 1 and ball 9 when counted from the right of both 7 and 9.



8. Ball 2 is kept third to the left of ball 4.

9. At least two balls between 2 and 3 when counted from both sides.


From statement 9 we can eliminate case I 

Therefore, the final arrangement will be, 


6) Answer: D
Hence, ball 9 is kept third to the left of ball 7.

7) Answer: D
Hence, Ball 6 is kept fourth to the left of ball 9.

8) Answer: C
Hence, Two balls are arranged in the increasing order in the clockwise direction from ball 3, then how many balls remain unchanged.

9) Answer: B
Hence, One ball is kept between ball 5 and ball 7 when counted from the left of ball 7,

10) Answer: D
Hence, Ball 2 does not belong to the group.

Direction: (11-15):

We have,
1. N sits second to the left of T.
2. Only two persons sit between T and S.
3. S sits immediate left of Q and vice versa.
4. Not more than one person sits between T and Q when counts from the right of Q.

From the above condition, there are two possibilities.


5. M sits second to the left of P and vice versa.
6. The number of persons sitting between M and S is the same as the number of persons sitting between N and L when
counted from the left of N and right of M.

7. The number of persons sit between O and Q is the same as the number of persons sit between R and O.



From the above condition, case1 gets eliminated. Case2 shows the final arrangement.

The final arrangement is, 


11) Answer: D
Hence, all the persons are sitting in the alphabetical order from L in a clockwise direction, then none persons are unchanged in their position(excluding L).

12) Answer: A
Hence, If O is related to S and M is related to T in a certain way. Then N is related to R.

13) Answer: A
Hence, TM and PN are combination pairs of those persons who are immediate neighbours.

14) Answer: A
Hence, Second to the left is the position of L with respect to N.

15) Answer: E
Hence, person L sits at the corner of the table.

Direction : (16-20)

1. M sits immediate left of Q.
2. One person sits between Q and N.
3. N does not sit at the corner of the table.

From the above condition, we can find two possibilities,


Again we have,
4. N and L are immediate neighbours.

From the above condition, there are three possibilities.


5. The number of persons sitting between M and N is the same as between O and P.
From the above condition, case2 gets eliminated.


6. P neither sits adjacent to M nor O.
From the above condition, case1 gets eliminated. Case 2a shows the final arrangement.


Therefore, the final arrangement is


16) Answer: A
Hence, M is the following person who sits second to the left of P.

17) Answer: E
Hence, The one who sits immediate right of L is the following person who sits second to the left of P.

18) Answer: E
Hence, persons are sitting between L and P when counted to the right of P.

19) Answer: E
Hence, all the persons are made to sit in the alphabetical order from L in a clockwise direction, then none unchanged in their position excluding L

20) Answer: C
Hence, all are true.