Trigraphs in C++ with Examples

In C++, a trigraph is a three-character sequence that represents a single character. It means that trigraph sequences are the set of three characters starting from double question marks (??). These characters are constructed using a sequence of 3 characters called trigraphs and these set of the characters are replaces by a single character.

S.No. Trigraph Equivalent
1. ??= #
2. ??/ \
3. ??’ ^
4. ??( [
5. ??) ]
6. ??! |
7. ??< {
8. ??> }
9. ??- ~



Below is the basic implementation example of the Trigraphs sequences:


// C++ implementation to 
// illustrate the example 
// of trigraph sequences
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
??=define MSG "w3wiki"
??=define Program "C++"
// Driver Code
int main()
??< // Here ??< denotes {
    cout << "My message to " << MSG << endl;
    cout << "My program is " << Program;
    return 0;
??> // Here ??> denotes }


My message to w3wiki
My program is C++

Below is another example of the Trigraph sequences:


// C++ program to demonstrate 
// the example 
// of trigraph sequences
# include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// Here ??= denotes #
??=define Name "Kalpana"
??=define Age "23"
??=define Qualification ""
??=define From "Delhi"
// Driver Code
int main()
    cout << "My Name is: " << Name << endl;
    cout << "My Age is: " << Age << endl;
    cout << "My Qualification is: "
         << Qualification << endl;
    cout << "I'm From " << From;
    return 0;


My Name is: Kalpana
My Age is: 23
My Qualification is:
I'm From Delhi