TurboHire Technologies Interview Experience for Software Developer Internship (Off-Campus 2021)

Recently I interviewed at Turbohire Technologies Pvt. Ltd for 6 months internship for a software developer role. I applied to Turbohire through Linkedin and was fortunate enough to have an interview with the team. The whole interview process was smooth and virtual due to covid-19, I appeared for the process from my home.

There were a total of 2 rounds, the first round was a Google meet Introduction and technical round and the second and last round was the HR round.

Introductory and Technical Round (Google Meet and Google Docs): This round was an introductory interview roundabout I followed by a technical round where I was asked questions on data structures and algorithms and was asked to code the full code in Google Docs and then discuss the various test cases and also explain the whole code. The questions were:

  • K’th Largest element in BST: For this question asked I first gave the solution where threaded binary trees use the NULL pointers to store the successor and predecessor information which helps us to utilize the wasted memory by those NULL pointer and I used the Morris Traversal is that we can do Inorder traversal without using stack or recursion which saves us memory consumed by stack or recursion call stack with total time complexity of O(n) and O(1) space complexity, then he asked me to write the code for the same and explain to him the various test cases. The complete solution is given here and the next question was
  • Check for balanced parenthesis in a given string: This question was direct and I knew the solution for it using a stack we could check for the balanced string, then he asked me to write the code for the same and explain to him the various test cases. The complete solution is given here, so this question was skipped and the third question was
  • To find out the majority element in the given array: For this question asked where at first I explained an approach which involved the use of hashmap in O(n) space and O(n) time complexity and then I was able to approach the optimized solution when asked for more optimization of the solution and then I explained the algorithm which is Moore’s Voting Algorithm where the algorithm uses only O(n) time complexity and O(1) space complexity, then he asked me to write the code for the same and explain to him the various test cases and then the second round was conducted. The complete solution is given here

HR Round (Telephonic via phone): This round was conducted to check for my availability for this internship and also this round was to know my interest to work with the company and the tech stacks I am comfortable with and also to know about my family background and interests.

Finally, I was selected for an internship opportunity with Turbohire.