Turvo Interview Experience for SDE

I had a total of 3 rounds, all being virtual as well as eliminatory rounds.
Round 1: (2 DSA questions)

  • Sudoku solver
  • Delete and Earn

Round 2: (1 DSA question)

Round 3:

This round was a leadership round with a very senior person. At the beginning of the interview, he made it prominent that this wouldn’t be a technical round and I was asked behavioral questions. A few of them are listed below.

  1.  Why are you looking for a switch?
  2.  What keeps you sane at work?
  3.  What are a few things that drive your interest in turvo?
  4.  What’s your biggest achievement?
  5.  What is that one thing in work or apart from work that you are proud of?
  6.  How do you keep yourself motivated at work?
  7.  Project explanation, kind of work done in it.


  • A quick suggestion for the last round. Do overcomplicate your answers, keep it simple and to the point. Be honest. 

Verdict: Selected