Twitter Confirms Working on Edit Button After Elon Musk’s Twitter Polls

Synopsis: Twitter has made the revelation just after a day after when it has announced that Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon is going to join the company’s board of directors. Before that, Musk has become the majority stakeholder in the microblogging giant after buying a 9.2 percent stake in the company.

Microblogging platform Twitter has finally confirmed that it is working on the most awaited feature ‘Edit Button’. Currently, the platform does not provide any feature that can help users edit tweets once it’s posted. In order to make any change in tweets, the users have to delete and post them again.

Twitter has made the revelation just after a day after when it has announced that Tesla and SpaceX CEO Elon is going to join the company’s board of directors. Before that, Musk has become the majority stakeholder in the microblogging giant after buying a 9.2 percent stake in the company.

The announcement was made by Jay Sullivan on the platform itself. Sullivan is Twitter’s Vice President of Consumer Product. He posted a Twitter thread mentioning the feature. He said that the company has been exploring ways to build the Edit feature while ensuring safety as well.

Sullivan said in a tweet,

Edit has been the most requested Twitter feature for many years. People want to be able to fix (sometimes embarrassing) mistakes, typos and hot takes in the moment. They currently work around this by deleting and tweeting again,

Musk has conducted a Twitter poll asking the users whether they want an edit button on the platform. 73.6 percent of respondents had voted in the favor of the edit button and 26.4 percent of respondents opted to stay against the motion. He asked, “Do you want an edit button?”

Responding to the Tweet by Tesla CEO, Twitter CEO Parag Agrawal has noted that the result of the polls would be important. Agrawal had tweeted,

The consequences of this poll will be important.

On the other hand, the president of the consumer product of Twitter mentioned the challenges of bringing the edit button. He wrote,

Without things like time limits, controls, and transparency about what has been edited, Edit could be misused to alter the record of the public conversation. Protecting the integrity of that public conversation is our top priority when we approach this work.

He furthermore stated that due to the mentioned reasons, it will take time for the platform in order to launch the Edit button. “We will approach this feature with care and thoughtfulness and we will share updates as we go,” he said.

The Edit button has been the most demanded feature among Twitter users as they want accessibility while using the platform and errors in tweets, make it an experience of embarrassment and frustration.