Typecast Operator Overloading in C++

In C++, the typecast operator can be overloaded to customize the behavior of casting operators to define how user-defined data types can be converted into other types. This enables developers to define how instances of a class are converted to other types, providing more control over implicit type conversions.

By overloading typecast operators, developers can seamlessly integrate custom classes into existing code, allowing for smoother interactions between user-defined and built-in data types.

What are Typecast Operators in C++?

The typecast operator in C++ allows developers to convert one data type to another. It is denoted by the use of parentheses followed by the target data type. For example, (int) 3.14 explicitly casts the floating-point number 3.14 to an integer.

C++ provides the following types of typecast operators:

Syntax of Typecast Operator Overloading

class ClassName {
    // All private members
    //All  public members, constructors, etc.
    // Typecast operator overloading
    operator TargetType() const {
        // Conversion logic 

Examples of Typecast Operator Overloading in C++

Example 1:

Conversion from Complex Number to Double using typecast operator overloading.


// C++ Program to Complex Number to Double using Typecast
// operator overloading
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class ComplexNumber {
    double real; // Real part of the complex number
        imaginary; // Imaginary part of the complex number
    // Constructor to initialize the complex number
    ComplexNumber(double r, double i)
        : real(r)
        , imaginary(i)
    // Typecast operator overloading to convert the complex
    // number to double.
    operator double() const
        return real; // Returns the real part as a double.
    // Display function to print the complex number
    void display() const
        cout << real << " + " << imaginary << "i" << endl;
int main()
    // Create a complex number object
    ComplexNumber c(3.5, 2.0);
    // Using the typecast operator to convert the complex
    // number to double
    double convertedValue = static_cast<double>(c);
    // Display the original complex number
    cout << "Original Complex Number: ";
    // Display the converted value
    cout << "Converted Value (Real Part): "
         << convertedValue << endl;
    return 0;


Original Complex Number: 3.5 + 2i
Converted Value (Real Part): 3.5

In the above example, the ComplexNumber class is designed to represent complex numbers. The typecast operator is overloaded to convert an object of this class to a double. The main() function demonstrates the conversion by creating a ComplexNumber object and using the typecast operator to obtain its double equivalent.

Example 2:

Conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit and (back to Fahrenheit to Celsius) using typecast operator overloading.


// C++ program to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and Back to
// Celsius using Typecast Overloading
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Fahrenheit; // Forward declaration of Fahrenheit class
// Class representing temperatures in Celsius
class Celsius {
    double temperature;
    // Constructor to initialize Celsius temperature
    Celsius(double temp)
        : temperature(temp)
    // Typecast operator overloading to convert to
    // Fahrenheit
    operator Fahrenheit() const;
    // Display function to print the temperature in Celsius
    void display() const
        cout << temperature << " degrees Celsius" << endl;
// Class representing temperatures in Fahrenheit
class Fahrenheit {
    double temperature;
    // Constructor to initialize Fahrenheit temperature
    Fahrenheit(double temp)
        : temperature(temp)
    // Typecast operator overloading to convert to Celsius
    operator Celsius() const
        return Celsius((temperature - 32.0) * 5.0 / 9.0);
    // Display function to print the temperature in
    // Fahrenheit
    void display() const
        cout << temperature << " degrees Fahrenheit"
             << endl;
// Implementation of typecast operator for Celsius to
// Fahrenheit
Celsius::operator Fahrenheit() const
    return Fahrenheit((temperature * 9.0 / 5.0) + 32.0);
int main()
    Celsius celsiusTemp(25.0);
    // Using the typecast operator to convert to Fahrenheit
    Fahrenheit fahrenheitTemp
        = static_cast<Fahrenheit>(celsiusTemp);
    // Printing the original Temperature in Celsius
    cout << "Original Celsius Temperature: ";
    // printing the temperature converted to Fahrenheit
    cout << "Converted Temperature (Celsius to "
            "Fahrenheit): ";
    // Using the typecast operator to convert back
    // Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius
    Celsius convertedCelsiusTemp
        = static_cast<Celsius>(fahrenheitTemp);
    // printing the Original Value of Temperature after
    // converting back to celcius
        << "Converted Temperature (Fahrenheit to Celsius: ";
    return 0;


Original Celsius Temperature: 25 degrees Celsius
Converted Temperature (Celsius to Fahrenheit): 77 degrees Fahrenheit
Converted Temperature (Fahrenheit to Celsius: 25 degrees Celsius

In the above example, the Celsius class and Fahrenheit class are created to represent temperatures in Celsius and Fahrenheit respectively. Overloading of the typecast operator is done to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit and back from Fahrenheit to Celsius. The main() function demonstrates the conversion process.

Example 3:

Conversion from String to Integer using typecast operator overloading.


// C++ program to convert String to Integer using typecast
// operator overloading.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Class representing a conversion from a string to an
// integer
class StringToInt {
    string stringValue;
    // Constructor to initialize the class with a string
    // value
    StringToInt(const string& str)
        : stringValue(str)
    // Typecast operator overloading to convert the object
    // to an integer
    operator int() const
        // Using stoi for converting string to int
        return stoi(stringValue); // Using stoi for string
                                  // to int conversion
    // Display function to print the original string value
    void display() const
        cout << "String value: " << stringValue << endl;
// Main program
int main()
    // Creating an object of StringToInt with the string
    // value "123"
    StringToInt stringNumber("123");
    // Use the typecast operator to convert the object to an
    // integer
    int convertedNumber = static_cast<int>(stringNumber);
    // printing the converted integer
    cout << "Converted Number: " << convertedNumber << endl;
    return 0;


Converted Number: 123

The above example shows the conversion from a string to an integer using the class StringToInt. The typecast operator is overloaded to perform the desired conversion, and the main() function shows the process by creating an object and obtaining the equivalent integer value.

Limitations of Typecast Operator Overloading

  • Conversions done by the compiler might interfere with user-defined typecast operators.
  • All typecasts can not be overloaded.
  • In the case of inheritance hierarchies complexities occur, especially in the case when typecasting is done between base and derived classes.
  • Typecast operator overloading can be applied only to user-defined types, and not to non-user-defined classes.


Basically, typecast operator overloading in C++ allows the developers to customize how casting operators behave, offering precise control over conversions between different data types.

Through practical examples, we’ve demonstrated how this feature enhances the adaptability of user-defined classes within existing code. Whether converting complex numbers, temperatures, or strings, typecast operator overloading provides a practical means to fine-tune these conversions. By grasping and applying this concept, programmers can create more tailored and seamless interactions in their C++ programs, contributing to clearer and more efficient code.