Types of Autocorrelation


As we discussed in this article, Autocorrelation is defined as the measure of the degree of similarity between a given time series and the lagged version of that time series over successive time periods. Autocorrelation measures the degree of similarity between a time series and the lagged version of that time series at different intervals.

Autocorrelation Function:

Suppose we have a time series {Xt} which has the following mean:



and the autocovariance functions




at t=0,




and the autocorrelation function is defined as:




The value of autocorrelation varies from -1 for perfectly negative autocorrelation and 1 for perfectly positive autocorrelation. The value closer to 0 is referred to as no autocorrelation.




Positive Autocorrelation:




Positive autocorrelation occurs when an error of a given sign between two values of time series lagged by k followed by an error of the same sign.


0 \,for\, k > 0 " title="Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com" height="27" width="343" style="vertical-align: -7px;">


Below is the graph of the dataset that represents positive autocorrelation at lag=1:





Negative Autocorrelation:




Negative autocorrelation occurs when an error of a given sign between two values of time series lagged by k followed by an error of the different sign.


0 " title="Rendered by QuickLaTeX.com" height="27" width="343" style="vertical-align: -7px;">


Below is the graph of time series that represents negative autocorrelation at lag=1:





Strong Autocorrelation




We can conclude that the data have strong autocorrelation if the autocorrelation plot has similar to the following plots:







The autocorrelation plot starts with a very high autocorrelation at lag 1 but slowly declines until it becomes negative and starts showing an increasing negative autocorrelation. This type of pattern indicates a strong autocorrelation, which can be helpful in predicting future trends




 The next step would be to estimate the parameters for the autoregressive model:




The randomness assumption for least-squares fitting applies to the residuals of the model. That is, even though the original data exhibit non-randomness, the residuals after fitting Yi against Yi-1 should result in random residuals.




Weak Autocorrelation




We can conclude that the data have weak autocorrelation if the autocorrelation plot has similar to the following plot at lag = 1:




Lag plot at Lag =1




The above plot shows that there is some autocorrelation at lag=1 because if there is no autocorrelation the plot will be similar to this plot on random values with lag=1





The conclusion can be drawn from the above plot




  • An underlying autoregressive model with moderate positive/negative autocorrelation.
  • There were very few outliers.




The above weak autocorrelation plot have some autoregressive model that can be represented in such a form 




at Yi =0, we can obtain the residual of estimators.




It is easy to perform estimation on the lag plot because of the Yi+1 and Yi as their axes.





  • In this implementation, we will be looking on how to generate correlation plots and lag plots. We will use the flicker dataset and some randomly generated samples for this purpose.





# Necessary imports
import numpy as np
from numpy.random import random_sample
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.graphics.tsaplots import plot_acf
# Generate Autocorrelation plot at different lags
# with a given level of significance.
weak_Corr_df = pd.read_csv('flicker.csv', sep ='\n', header=None)
plot_acf(weak_Corr_df, alpha = 0.05)
# Generate Lag plots for a particular lag value
pd.plotting.lag_plot(weak_Corr_df, lag = 1)
# Generate 200 random numbers and plot lag plot and autocorrelation plot for that
random_Series = pd.Series(random_sample(200))
pd.plotting.lag_plot(random_Series, lag = 1)
plot_acf(random_Series, alpha = 0.05)

  • For Flicker dataset, the plots are as follows:

Autocorrelation Flicker data

Lag plot for flicker data

  • For Random Normal datasets, the plots are as follows

Autocorrelation plot

Lag plot for random data at lag=1