Types of Joints in Optical Fiber

Dr Narinder Kapany is known as the father of fiber optics who is an Indian-born American physicist. The term fiber optics was coined by him in the year 1956. He is well known for his pioneer work on FIBER OPTICS. Nowadays fiber optic cables are used extensively in network communication and unlike a normal wire joint there are some special joints for fiber optics which are classified below:

Types of Joints in Optical Fiber :

  1. Splice :
    It is a joint which is permanent or semi-permanent and can be used only once. Splice can be of two following types:

    • (i) Mechanical Splice –
      These are the joints that mechanically hold the two fiber ends and are just an alignment device enabling light to pass from one end to the other.

    • (i) Fusion Splice –
      It is a process in which two fiber ends are fused together using an electric arc. Generally monochromatic light is passed through one fiber end (input) and the other fiber end is adjusted in such a way that the output signal is maximum. At this point, high voltage is passed in an electric arc causing fusion of the two fiber ends.

  2. Connector :
    It is a joint which is temporary and can be used time and again i.e. it is reusable. Some types of connector are:

    • DNP connector –
      Dry No Polish connector.
    • SMA connector –
      Surface Mount Adapter Connector.
  3. Coupler :
    It is a device that is used for multiplexing and de-multiplexing a signal. When a coupler is used for de-multiplexing a signal it is known as a Combiner. There are many types of coupler such as :

    • T- Coupler –
      It splits the incoming signal into two parts.

    • Star –
      It splits the incoming signal into many parts.

    • Three Port Coupler –
      It splits the incoming signal into two parts. Here, grin lenses or beam splitter is not used.