Types Of Resources

Types of Resources: Resources refer to anything that has some utility for us and adds value to life. Air, water, food, plants, and everything else which exists in nature and has utility for mankind is known as a “Resource”. The broad types of resources include natural resources, Human-made resources, and human resources.

With technology, humans can transform a natural or even man-made substance into a resource and with time similarly add value to any resource.

Table of Content

  • Types of Resources Flow Chart
  • Natural Resources
  • Types of Natural Resources
  • Man-Made Resources 
  • Human Resources 
  • Economic Resources
  • Capital Resources
  • Technology Resources
  • Resource Conservation

Types of Resources Flow Chart

The types of resources present in the environment can be classified are classified as below:

Types of Resources

Natural Resources

Resources that are drawn from Nature and utilized without much change are called regular assets. The air we inhale, the water in our streams and lakes, and the soils, and minerals are altogether regular assets.  Large numbers of these assets are unconditional gifts of nature and can be utilized straightforwardly.

Natural resources are further classified into different types based on, The degree of advancement and utilization of genuine assets that are being utilized in the current whose amount is realized; they are coal and petrol. What’s more, the potential assets that are not being utilized as of now and could be utilized in the future once the innovation’s whole amount may not be known, are the uranium saves.

Natural Resources

Types of Natural Resources

Natural resources are classified into different types of resources based on the level of development and use, origin, stock as well as distribution. Let us discuss them in detail below:

Based on Development and Use

Based on their development and use, natural resources can be divided into two types of resources:

Actual Resource

Actual resources refer to those whose quantity is known to us and which are used at the present. For example Coal.

Potential Resource

Resources whose quantity may not be known to us entirely and which are not being used at present are called potential resources and can be used in the future once the technology for their use is fully developed. An example is Uranium.

Based on Origin

Based on the origin the resources can be divided into two types of resources:

Abiotic Resource

Resources that are from non-living sources are known as abiotic resources, like soil, rocks, etc.

Biotic Resource

Resources that come from living beings are known as biotic resources. Forest products and forests belong to biotic resources. These resources reproduce and regenerate themselves.

Based on Exhaustibility

Based on the exhaustibility, types of resources are divided into two types:

Renewable Resources 

These are those which get recharged or on the other hand renewed rapidly. A portion of these are limitless what’s more, are not impacted by human exercises, for example, sun-powered Furthermore, wind energy. However imprudent utilization of certain sustainable assets like water, soil, and timberland can influence their stock. 

Non-Renewable Resources 

These are those which have restricted stock. When the stocks are depleted they might require millennia to be restored or recharged. Since this period is considerably more than human existence spans, such assets are thought of as non-sustainable. Coal, oil, and petroleum gas are a few models.

Based on Distribution

Based on distribution, the types of resources are:

Ubiquitous Resource

These refer to those resources which are available in any part of the world like that air and water.

Localized Resource

Resources that are available only in some selected areas of the earth are the localized resources like coal mines in Jharkhand. Some factors which influence this are the topography, climate, and altitude for the distribution of certain localized resources.

Potential, Developed, and Stock Resources

Resources in the environment which are easily available but humans are yet to discover their true importance and power are known as potential resources. Some examples are wind and solar energy; which are used presently but can be used further to true potential.

A developed resource in contrast is a resource that humans have discovered and have developed over some time. Most of the resources like fossil, fuels, and minerals are part of developed resources.

Some resources in the environment which has enough potential but not adequate knowledge available to use or develop them are known as stock resources like the importance of hydrogen and oxygen gases.

Man-Made Resources

Man-made resources are the regular assets that go through some radical change in light of human mediation. Model, extensions, railroads and machines, and so; go under man-made assets. When solar energy is used to make buildings, machinery, bridges, etc. and they become man-made resources.

When humans use natural resources for making something innovative for providing utility and value to our lives is known as man-made resources. Man-Made resources are often renewable and are made because of skills, intelligence, and knowledge, use of technology by humans.

Steel is a man-made asset that is made by handling iron metal which was a characteristic asset. Innovation is likewise a man-made asset. Now and again, regular substances become assets solely after their unique structure has changed. Individuals utilize normal assets to fabricate human-made assets. 

Man- Made Resources

Human Resources

Human Resources are the quality and amount of people who can utilize their abilities to make more assets for humankind. Each human is an asset on the off chance that they can make man-made assets. 

Individuals can utilize nature to make more assets when they have the information, ability, and innovation to do as such. For that reason, human creatures are unique assets. Instruction and well-being help in making individuals a significant asset. Working on the nature of relationship-building abilities’ so they are capable to make more assets is known as human asset improvement.

Human capital is often used interchangeably with human resources, however, human capital is a narrower concept. Similar words like manpower, talent, labor, and personnel have been used.

Human Resources

Economic Resources

Economic resources are the things that we use to produce and provide goods and services. They can be natural, like land, water, air, minerals, and forests, or they can be human-made, like factories, machines, and tools. Both types of resources are important for our economy. Natural resources are used to produce raw materials that are used in manufacturing. Human-made resources are used to create products and provide services. For our economy to function properly, we need to have a mix of both types of resources. If we only had natural resources, we would not be able to produce the products that we need. And if we only had human-made resources, we would not be able to sustain ourselves without the help of nature. The most important thing is to make sure that we use our economic resources wisely so that we can continue to enjoy the benefits they provide us.

Capital Resources

There are three types of capital resources in geography: human, physical, and natural. Human capital refers to the skills and knowledge that people possess. It includes things like education, experience, and training. Physical capital refers to the tools, machines, and buildings that are used to produce goods and services. Natural capital refers to the renewable and nonrenewable resources found in nature. Human capital is important because it determines how productive people can be. Physical capital is important because it allows us to make use of natural resources. Natural capital is important because it provides the raw materials we need to produce goods and services.

Technology Resources

Many different types of technology resources can be used in geography. Some of the most popular ones include:

  • GIS (Geographic Information Systems): GIS is a powerful tool that can be used to collect, store, manipulate, and analyze geographical data. It can be used to create maps, study patterns, and trends, and make predictions.
  • Remote Sensing: Remote sensing is another powerful tool that can be used to collect data about the Earth’s surface. This data can be used to create images and maps, study land use and land cover, and monitor environmental conditions.
  • Global Positioning System (GPS): GPS is a satellite-based system that can be used for navigation and for collecting data about the Earth’s surface. GPS can be used to create accurate maps, track movement, and study the Earth’s physical features.

Resource Conservation

  • Conservation of resources alludes to utilizing normal assets cautiously so that in me they can be re-established and keep on being utilized in the future.
  • Most human-made resources are dependent on the availability of natural resources. We should understand the value of natural elements and conserve the resources accordingly, as we have to use them throughout life and also conserve it for future generations.
  • Because of the unnecessary double-dealing of water, deficiency of water is being looked at in many spots. Because of the top utilizing of coal and petrol are likewise going to be depleted sooner rather than later.
  • We must guarantee that all purposes of inexhaustible assets are economical and the variety of life on the earth is monitored by the harm to regular ecology.
  • Utilizing assets cautiously and allowing them to get restored is called asset preservation. Adjusting the need to utilize assets and moderate them for what’s to come is called a feasible turn of events.
  • There are numerous approaches to saving assets. Every individual can contribute by diminishing utilization, reusing, and reusing things. Eventually, it has an effect because our entire lives are connected. The 3Rs should be kept in mind while using resources:
    • Reduce
    • Reuse
    • Recycle

FAQs on Types of Resources

What are resources?

Resurces refer to the physical material which humans need and also value like land, air and water.

What are the 3 main types of resources?

The 3 main types of resources include human, natural, and capital.

What are the 7 types of resources?

The 7 types of resources which is used in the technological system include people, information, materials, tools and machines, energy, capital, and also time.

What are the 2 main categories of resources?

The 2 main categories of resources include natural resources and man-made resources.