TypeScript String localeCompare() Method

The localeCompare() is an inbuilt function in TypeScript which is used to get the number indicating whether a reference string comes before or after or is the same as the given string in sorted order. 

string.localeCompare( param ) 

Parameter: This method accept a single parameter as mentioned above and described. 

  • param : This parameter is a string to be compared with string object.

Return Value: This method returns the flowing. 

  • 0 is return, if the string is fully match.
  • 1 is return, if the string is not match and the parameter value comes before the string object’s value.
  • – A negative value is return, if the string is not match and the parameter value comes after the string object’s value.

Example 1: 


    // Original strings
    var str1 = new String('w3wiki'); 
    var index = str1.localeCompare("w3wiki");
    // Use of String localeCompare() Method



Example 2: 


    // Original strings
    var str1 = new String('w3wiki'); 
    var index = str1.localeCompare("Beginner");
    // Use of String localeCompare() Method
