Udaan Interview Experience for SDE-1 (2021)

I applied for the Udaan SDE-1 role in Feb 2021. I have 2 years of experience.

Here is how the interview round took place.

Round 1(Machine Coding):

Time : 90 minutes for Coding + 30 minutes for Evaluation/ Explanation 

Create a program that calls News API(s) from http://newsapi.org and parses the JSON.

  1. Displays the Headlines (Using the “Top headlines” API)
  2. Searches for a query and shows the result (Using the everything API)
  3. Displays various sources of News, along with the description of the channel (Using the Sources API)

You’re allowed to use any programming language you’re comfortable with. You need to follow OOPs design. You can surf the net without any restriction as well.


  • The code should be executable (no compiler errors) and can demonstrate all the functionalities.
  • Clean and extensible code.
  • Good modeling.
  • Proper separation of classes.
  • Should be able to work on extensions as well as backward compatibility.

Things that I learned after this round:

  1. Have a good IDE ready and learn the shortcuts to implement constructors and getters/setters (time saver).
  2. Ask the interviewer all sorts of questions and what are the output expectations when you’re presented with the problem. The timer doesn’t start at this point in time.
  3. If you have any doubt while coding, straight away ask the interviewer and get it cleared.
  4. Try to build all the classes, instance variables, methods and implement the main method at the end, to show 1-2 outputs.
  5. Don’t waste time with algorithm complexity, since this is a System Design round and not a DS-Algo round.
  6. If you know good algorithms or some cases which you could not code due to lack of time, you can explain that while explaining the system. Don’t be afraid to speak.

I haven’t got the call to next round, so I am not sure of the other rounds.

Best of Luck!