UI Design of a Car Company Website

The car company website has a lot of popularity in terms of looking out for cars, or other accessories required for cars. In this article we will cover some basic design principles and learn how to create pages for a car company website. We will be covering the following pages in our article: Home page, Cars Browse Page, About Us Page & Contacts & Services Page.

Basic Designing Principles

Color Theory: ​

Choosing a uniform color is important for the website as rest of the elements are colored in contrast with the uniform color chosen for the entire website. For eg. If a black or dark theme is chosen for the entire website, then rest of the contents must be in contrasting colors of black, white & gray to make the website look pleasing to the eye.

Negative Spaces:

Negative spaces are simply blank spaces that ensure a better visibility and readability to the user. ​They help in providing space to the user and enable them to understand the content better. Without negative spaces, the elements of the website looks cluttered and messy.


A proper alignment helps in increasing the interactivity and visibility of the website as it makes the website look beautiful. It makes the car company site look professional and praise-worthy.

Grid System:

A grid system ensures better readability as it aligns all the images in a proper fashion & helps make the website look good and elegant. Most of the best sellers for cars are in the format of grid system. It helps in making the website organized and tidy.


Effects enhance the Search Engine Optimization and help improvise the UI of the website. They help in making the website more engaging and interactive.


A simple & subtle font must be chosen in terms of typography, for eg., Sans serif, Poppins, etc. Such fonts, even in low sizes help increase the readability of the code and make the user understand the elements better.

Use of Infographic elements:

Infographics are essential for the website as good and quality images ensure a good response from the customer. Thus a good set of pictures of cars, solar cars & other electric cars, or different types of cars must be more than enough to attract the customers. ​


The Home page consists of navigation bar and the footer page, and a few infographic elements to help the users visualize the car website. It also consists of some links to several other important pages that will help the user to buy cars.


Cars Browse Page

The Car Browse page consists of some of the best sellers of the car company that is shown in the highlights section of the page, and other cars too are displayed with an option to buy them.

Cars Browse Page

Contact & Services Page

The Contact & Services page consists of different places where the car company can be accessed through, and also the different services & the destinations where it provides.

Contact & Services Page

About Us

The About us page consists of the section that states uptil now how many employees have been connected to the website and the company. It also provides an introduction to the website alongwith the vision it supports.

About Us


Using the above designing principles and tips and tricks to make a car company website UI, we can easily achieve the aim of creating a beautiful & elegant, also interactive & a sustainable website.