Underscore.js _.fix() Method

The Underscore.js _.fix() method fixes the arguments to a function based on the parameter template defined by the presence of values and the _ placeholder.

The function takes a parameter that is replaced by _ in given values.


_.fix( fun, [values] )

Parameters: This method takes a single parameter as listed above and discussed below.

  • fun: This parameter holds the given function.
  • values: The values passed to the fun.

Return Value: It returns a new function.

Note: To execute the below examples, you have to install the underscore-contrib library by using this command prompt and execute the following command.

npm install underscore-contrib

Example 1: 


// Defining underscore contrib variable
var _ = require('underscore-contrib'); 
// Function
function mul(a, b, c, d){
    return a*b*c*d;
// Making curried function
var gfgFunc = _.fix(mul, 1,2,_,4);
// 3 is replaced by _ in given values
console.log("Multiplication is :",gfgFunc(3));


Multiplication is : 24

Example 2:


// Defining Underscore contrib variable
var _ = require('underscore-contrib'); 
// Function
function add(a, b, c){
    return a+b+c;
// Making fixed function
var gfgFunc = _.fix(add, 1, 2, _);
console.log("Addition is :",gfgFunc(3));


Addition is : 6

Example 3:


// Defining Underscore contrib variable
var _ = require('underscore-contrib'); 
// Function
function fun(str){
    return str;
// Making fixed function
var gfgFunc = _.fix(fun, _);
console.log("Coding Platform :",


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