Underscore.js _.isSymbol() Function

Underscore.js is a library in javascript that makes operations on arrays, string, objects much easier and handy. _.isSymbol() function is used to check whether the given object is javascript Symbol Object or not.

Note: It is very necessary to link the underscore CDN before going and using underscore functions in the browser. When linking the underscore.js CDN The “_” is attached to the browser as global variable.



Parameters: It takes only one parameter i.e object.

Returns: It returns the boolean value. If the object is a Symbol object of javascript it returns true otherwise false is returned by the function.

Few Examples are given below for better understanding of the function.

Example 1: When symbol is created with some value.


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <script src =  
      //creating new symbol from symbol object
      let e=Symbol("some symbol")
      let ans=_.isSymbol(e)
      console.log("symbol is :", e)
      console.log("It is the javascript Symbol Object")
      console.log("It is the not javascript Symbol Object")


Example 2: When a symbol is created with no given object


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <script src =  
      //creating new symbol from symbol object
      let e=Symbol()
      let ans=_.isSymbol(e)
      //printing the symbol
      console.log("symbol is :", e.valueOf(e))
      //printing true if this is the symbol else false
      console.log("It is the javascript Symbol Object")
      console.log("It is the not javascript Symbol Object")


Example 3: When a given object is the string.


<!DOCTYPE html> 
    <script src =  
      //creating new string
      let e="w3wiki"
      let ans=_.isSymbol(e)
      //printing the symbol
      console.log("symbol is :", e.valueOf(e))
      //printing true if this is the symbol else false
      console.log("It is the javascript Symbol Object")
      console.log("It is the not javascript Symbol Object")
