Understanding Application Performance Management (APM)

Each day, day begin with the use of some software applications as well as day end with the use of some software applications. People are getting too busy now a days and more time concerned. That’s why they want, that the software they use should be fast and it should provide the actual required services to the user.

Think the situation, we are opening an software application and it is taking too much time load, we are doing some activities but the application is too slow and lacking in between, we need to wait for a response for our request, we are not getting the actual service what we want and so many…Here the point performance comes into the picture.

Everyone wants the software application they are using should deliver high performance. Companies or service providers are also not missing this point. They are working a lot to ensure good performance of the application. That’s why they are using Application Performance Management software to manage and monitor performance of an application.

Application Performance Management (APM) :

APM is also known as Application Performance Management which is a software that helps the organization to prevent and predict software related issue before the issue impact on personal or commercial business and also end-user. 

  • APM software helps the organization to target the expectation for performance availability of users.
  • It does the performance measuring application and alert the administrator when the software meet an issues when performing task and it results many issues automatically.
  • APM is also take care of application performance monitoring.

Working of APM :

APM gathers the performance data, and analyze it to detect the potential performance problems of software application and also provides information to take action to resolve those problem. Using APM solution, businesses can fulfill their IT environment meets standard performance, find bugs, potential issues and providing unlimited user experience by close monitoring of it’s resources.

Now a days APM provides it teams the information what they need to entangled with the performance of application to business outcome and also it identifies the performance issue before the issue impact on end user and the aware to IT team about the issue which was created at performance time.

The basic difference is how they gather information and analyze data , how it aware the developers and how much APM help them.

Now a days in the field of digital sector speed is everything, Basically in the area of application and websites. How it is simple and speed when it is assessed by end user. When the application will slow that will directly impact on business, business oriented transaction and end-user expectation. To overcome this type issues APM is working.  

Different agent monitor the application environment and support the infrastructure by simple managing all those. Different agents are

  1. Digital experience monitoring : It gathers performance such as Load time, Up time, down time, response time means how much time required to load the page how first the application responses. APM  encounter from the user interface on the end user device. Real user monitoring is usually support digital experience monitoring
  2. Application monitoring : Application monitoring includes the entire stack of application such as application framework(.net ,C, C + +, Java) database, API, middleware, web app, UI, Server and also it monitors the CPU utilization, network performance, disk space. Stack monitoring manage code level tracing.
  3. Database monitoring : Database monitoring is the performance like SQL queries , It manages the  application data it also provided by application monitoring agent
  4. Availability monitoring : It is nothing but it is the actual availability of hardware component and applications where as the application will be generated performance data that is not accessible by the end–user.

Benefits of APM :

  • Reduce downtime.
  • Better service to customer/end-user.
  • Ensures faster innovation.
  • High customer satisfaction.
  • Improved end-user experience.
  • Managing IT costs.
  • Better visibility of your business.