Understanding Marginalization by Adivasis

When a particular community, group or section of people are not allowed or sidelined to be a part of the main stream society is known as marginalization. It leads to decrease in the opportunities, denied access to basic rights of the people belonging to this community. It makes them backward in terms of economic and social status. Marginalized individuals don’t be guaranteed to have a place with one specific segment: Marginalization happens because of nationality, orientation, sexual direction, inability status, financial level, and age. Minimized bunches are frequently in a difficult situation with regards to getting medical services, fair schooling, and business that would further develop their prosperity.


Adivasis is the aggregate name utilized for the numerous native people groups of India. The term Adivasi gets from the Hindi word ‘adi’ which method for earliest times or all along and ‘vasi’ meaning occupant or inhabitant. Adivasis are named ‘planned clans’, however this is a lawful and sacred term, which contrasts from one state to another and region to region, and consequently rejects a few gatherings which may be viewed as native. Adivasis are not a homogeneous gathering; there are north of 200 particular people groups communicating in excess of 100 dialects and shifting enormously in nationality and culture.

Impacts of Marginalization

Marginalization hurts society all in all, however underestimated individuals shoulder the primary weight of that effect. Here are a portion of its hurtful impacts:

Restricted ability pools

Organizations and work environments make a bunch of conditions wherein just certain individuals from explicit foundations advance and have a voice. Accordingly, similar sorts of thoughts flow, and chiefs don’t profit according to new points of view and new thoughts. Because of this homogeneity, thoughts that could help minimized individuals may not be introduced.

Increment in Crimes

Marginalized individuals might experience apparently unconquerable difficulties while chasing after legitimate method for making money, rousing them to go to unlawful means. Change in forest laws made adivasis powerless in their own homelands. So to fight for their own rights Naxalism came into picture. Apart from naxalism they are involved in illegal animal killing, wood cutting and many more activities for their livelihood. If they are sidelined, they will find different ways to make their place in the society.

Health issues

Adivasis are deprived from the basic health facilities. Many of them die and suffer with a lot of diseases due to lack of medical facilities, awareness and education. The health issues can be physical and mental as well. The absence of admittance to fundamental emotional well-being assets powers entire areas of the populace to freely deal with these issues.

Measures to overcome marginalization 

Marginalization is a wide issue influencing many individuals with various necessities. There’s no particular method for killing its consequences for society, however here are a few estimates that can have an effect:

Make a political move

By engaging in civil rights drives, individuals can make strong mediations in the political cycle and power agents to pay attention to generally hushed gatherings. Political activity requires both association and ally ship to fabricate alliances of individuals who can point out a circumstances and logical results change.

Put resources into framework and public administrations

Minimized bunches frequently come up short on instruments and assets that are promptly accessible to non-underestimated gatherings, for example, web access, working and available public transportation, and nearby clinical centers. By focusing on these administrations, society can eliminate a portion of these harsh boundaries.

Find out about marginalization and its effect

Learning the historical backdrop of denials of basic freedoms and mistreatment makes more compassion and a superior comprehension of underestimated gatherings. It additionally disperses falsehood about how and why certain gatherings get prohibited from society.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Justify the statement ‘Muslims are marginalized community’.


Muslims are an underestimated local area in view of the accompanying reasons: They don’t have the equivalent admittance to fundamental conveniences, for example, pucca houses, power, funneled water and so on. They have the most reduced proficiency rate when contrasted with other strict gatherings of India.

Question 2: Describe three things about Adivasis.


  • ‘Adivasis’ is a term in a real sense signifies ‘original occupants’. They lived and frequently keep on living in close relationship with forests.
  • Adivasis are not a homogeneous populace. There are 500 unique Adivasis bunches in India. 
  • Adivasi social orders are most particular since there is much of the time next to no progressive system among them.

Question 3: ‘Social marginalization and Financial marginalization are interlinked’. Justify.


Social marginalization and financial marginalization are interlinked. Social marginalization powers a gathering out of the standard, bringing about absence of chances for expertise improvement and training. This implies that individuals from minimized segments won’t have legitimate admittance to quality medical services, which thus implies that a youngster from the underestimated area doesn’t form into a monetarily stable grown-up, who in any case is sufficiently skilled to guarantee a superior pay. Consequently, the person who is abandoned in financial turn of events, likewise become monetarily minimized.