United Health Group (Optum) Interview Experience | On-Campus Internship

Optum (UHG) came in our institute to hire intern (summer internship). First round was online round .

Exam consists of two sections. First one consisting of normal aptitude questions based on logical reasoning.Total of 30 objective questions to be done in 30 min. Questions were easy, so one can attempt as max as possible, but it has negative marking. I solved 26/30 .
Next section consists of coding round, in which there were two questions to be solved in 30 min.

Questions were like –
* Number of vowels in string and whether they are in alphabetical order or not

*Number of occurrence of particular character in string .

Questions were just implementation, but one has to be fast to solve. Try to solve both .

Out of 300 students, almost 25 were selected for interview.

Duration varies from student to student. Like in my case, it goes for 20 -25 minutes. Whereas for one of my friend, it was just for 10-15 minutes.So questions were like-
* About yourself. When I told about myself, he said “That is it!. Tell me more” . So I told him about my
achievements, participation in hackathons etc.
* Then he asked me about my projects. Since I have done only a single project, so he just asked about it and move
on to ds and algo.
* Then he asked me a question which was- Count the total number of one’s present in a number. At first he said it
is integer, then he told to solve if the number is a decimal number i.e. float.
* Sorting algorithms
* Best sorting algorithm that you know.
* Questions were just to check concept on ds and algo.
Interviewer was very helpful, really given me a proper time to think, so try to give most accurate answer.

Out of 25, 14 were selected for HR round.


HR was really cool .Talked very casually like Why you want to join this company, even before I answer the question he said “Obviously to earn a lot of money?” . After 5-10 min talk, HR round was over.


P.S.- In online round try not to move, since web camera is enabled during the exam, and it tracks every movement.
Try to solve question which you know first in objective section, since it has negative marking. During PI, try to be calm.

All the best.