UnitedHealth Group Interview Experience | Off-Campus 2021 (Virtual)

I belong to a tier-3 college. I applied for the SDE position through referral, and luckily I got the test link.

Each round started with my introduction and all the interviewers were quite supportive. I was able to solve all questions with their best Time Complexity.

Round 1(Online Round, 90 minutes)

  • It was a test on the Hackerrank platform and comprises 6 questions. Three questions were based on the Data Structures and Algorithm and the remaining ones were on SQL query. I was able to solve the 2.7 questions of DSA  and one question of SQL.

Round 2(Technical Interview, 90 minutes)

Two questions of DSA were asked which were:-

  1. https://www.w3wiki.net/search-in-row-wise-and-column-wise-sorted-matrix/ 
  2. https://www.w3wiki.net/merge-sort-for-linked-list/ (This question wasn’t asked directly)

One SQL Question-

  1. One SQL question was asked to find the person from the table (two tables were given) who has placed the maximum orders.

I was able to solve both of the DSA questions optimally but wasn’t able to write the SQL query (although I told him the approach)

Round 3(Technical Interview, 90 minutes)

  1. This interviewer was more interested in my solution approaching skills. He asked me a question based on DSA in which there were 6 knights, and they were in a circle. Each knight has a power of 100 initially. Every knight kicks the knight who is in front of him with any random power. We need to find the last surviving knight (similar to https://www.w3wiki.net/josephus-problem-set-1-a-on-solution/). This was a new question for me, but I was able to code it. One more coding question was asked.
  2.  Apart from DSA, he asked me questions related to OS, Projects, DBMS, and questions like why do you want to be a Software Engineer, why CS when I am from ECE.

Round 4(Technical Interview, 90 minutes)

 Two questions were asked based on DSA:-

  1. https://www.w3wiki.net/search-an-element-in-a-sorted-and-pivoted-array/ 
  2. Find the longest path having maximum sum from leaf to leaf and containing the root. I was able to solve this problem recursively and She was quite satisfied with the approach and then I coded it. 

One SQL Question

  1. SQL question which was to basically check if the given directory is correct or not. A table was given which had all the details. (I was able to give her the approach)

Round 5(Technical + MR, 60 minutes)

  1. This was the last round and one of the Senior managers took my interview. He was a quite helpful person. He asked me my favorite question from the previous rounds, then he switched to JAVA OOPS, OS, DBMS, Projects, and some basic SQL questions.

After a week, I received the offer letter & joining letter for the FTE +  INTERN.

If you want to get into UHG then you should be able to write SQL queries but If you have good coding skills but average SQL knowledge (like me :P) then you’ll be able to make it to the end.