Upgrading Your Ansible Installation: A Step-by-Step Guide

Automation tools like Ansible are essential for effectively managing and scaling infrastructure in today’s fast-paced IT environment. Ansible is an open-source automation tool that works on configuration management, application deployment, and task automation, it permits system administrators and DevOps designers to automate repetitive tasks and manage systems all the more successfully.

Ansible needs to be kept up to date, just like any other software. Regular updates bring new highlights, execution improvements, and basic security patches. Updating Ansible ensures you benefit from the most recent enhancements and keep up with similarity with other software components in your current circumstance.

This guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of upgrading your Ansible installation, we’ll talk about everything from making sure your playbooks run smoothly after the upgrade to verifying your current version. This guide covers both Debian-based systems such as Ubuntu and Red Hat-based systems such as CentOS. By adhering to these guidelines, you can upgrade Ansible confidently and limit any disturbances to your automation work processes.

Primary Terminologies

  • Ansible: Ansible is an open-source automation tool for IT tasks like application deployment, task automation, and configuration management. The desired state of systems is described by means of YAML, a simple declarative language.
  • Playbook: A playbook is a YAML file containing a series of tasks to be executed on managed nodes. Playbooks are the focal element of Ansible, allowing you to define configurations, deployments, and orchestrations in an organized and repeatable way.
  • Inventory: An inventory is a record that defines the hosts and groups of hosts where Ansible commands, modules, and playbooks work. It might include specifics like the hosts’ IP addresses and variables that are unique to those hosts.
  • Module: A module is an independent content that Ansible sudden spikes for demand for your behalf, modules can perform different undertakings, for example, managing packages, administrations, files, and users. Ansible accompanies an enormous library of implicit modules, and you can likewise compose custom modules.
  • Task: A task is a single activity that Ansible performs on a managed node, defined inside a playbook. Each task utilizes a module and indicates the ideal condition of a resource.
  • Role Using a role, related tasks, variables, files, templates, and modules can be grouped together to form a reusable component. Roles help to sort out playbooks and make them easier to manage and reuse.
  • Control Node: Control Node The machine from which Ansible is installed and commands are executed is the control node. By connecting to and managing the managed nodes, the control node coordinates the automation tasks.
  • Managed Nodes: Managed Nodes Ansible manages and configures managed nodes, which are the target machines. These nodes can be actual servers, virtual machines, cloud cases, or organization devices.
  • Inventory: File An inventory file is a text document that rundowns the managed nodes and their subtleties. It can be either dynamic (generated by a script or cloud service) or static (a simple list).
  • YAML: YAML is the human-readable data serialization standard that Ansible uses to write playbooks, inventories, and configuration files. YAML stands for “YAML Ain’t Markup Language.” YAML’s language structure is intended to be not difficult to read and write.
  • Ad-hoc: Command An ad-hoc command is a single, one-time command that can be used to quickly complete a task on a managed node without the need to write a playbook. You can use it directly from the command line.

Step-by-Step Process for Upgrading Ansible Installation

Step 1: Launch EC2 Instance

  • Now go to AWS Console and login with credentials or create new account
  • Navigate to EC2 Instance dashboard and launch EC2 Instance

Step 2: Check the Current Ansible Version

  • Run the command ansible –version to verify the current Ansible version installed.
ansible --version

Ansible 2.9.23 installed, which is the latest version available in the current repositories. If you need a newer version of Ansible, such as Ansible 2.10 or higher, you can install it using Python’s package manager, pip. Here’s how you can do it:

Step 3: Update System Packages

  • Check your system packages are up to date or not by running below command
sudo yum update

Step 4: Install Pip3 and Python3

  • Now install pip and python using following commands
sudo yum install python3
sudo yum install python3-pip

Step 5: Install/Upgrade Ansible using pip

  • Upgrade ansible using pip by using following commands
sudo pip3 install --upgrade ansible

Step 6: Locate the pip-installed Ansible

  • The version installed via pip might be in a different directory. So now we can find the exact location by using below command
which ansible

Step 7: Verify

  • Now verify ansible version
/usr/local/bin/ansible --version
  • Here we see that new version of ansible that is 2.11.12

Step 8: Uninstall the Old Version

  • We can uninstall old version by using following commands
sudo yum remove ansible


In conclusion, upgrading Ansible is vital to keep up to date with the most recent features, security patches, and execution improvements. An organized strategy for ensuring a smooth upgrade experience is provided by following the guide’s step-by-step procedure. Fundamental steps include confirming the current version of Ansible, updating system packages, and utilizing the appropriate package manager. Testing playbooks and refreshing custom modules or modules are fundamental to keep up with usefulness and similarity. By sticking to best practices, for example, backing up configurations and testing in an organizing environment, expected disturbances to creation systems can be limited. Customary overhauls upgrade the productivity of automation work processes as well as moderate security risks and ensure arrangement with advancing IT infrastructure. Users who take part in the upgrade process are given the ability to use all of Ansible’s features, making it possible to manage complex IT environments in a way that is both efficient and dependable.

Upgrading Your Ansible Installation – FAQs

For what reason is it important to upgrade Ansible regularly?

Automation workflows are made more effective and reliable by regular upgrades, which ensures access to new features, enhancements to performance, and security patches.

Do I have to upgrade Ansible on the all of my managed nodes?

No, Ansible runs on the control node, and the upgrade is only necessary for the control node. Managed nodes needn’t bother with to be upgraded except if explicitly expected for similarity with new features.

If I upgrade Ansible and my playbooks break, what should I do?

Assuming playbooks break after an upgrade, review the delivery notes for any backward inconsistent changes. Change playbooks accordingly and test in an organizing environment prior to deploying to production.

Could I at any point return to a previous version of Ansible if necessary?

Yes, you can uninstall the current version and reinstall the desired version to go back to a previous version, in any case, it’s prescribed to tread carefully and back up designs prior to endeavoring a rollback.

How frequently would it be a good idea for me to update Ansible?

The organization’s change management policies, the criticality of new features or patches, and the Ansible release cycle all influence the frequency of upgrades, by and large, it’s advisable to move up to another steady release after exhaustive testing in an staging environment.