How To Use Virtual Number for ChatGPT?

A virtual number for ChatGPT is used for registering in ChatGPT so that you can use it without giving it your private number and personal details. These numbers are temporary and have a website showing the SMS you get. You need to provide a number so that you can create an account and for safety purposes, hence we have discussed multiple ways to use virtual number for ChatGPT.

There are indications that if you try to access ChatGPT in a country where it’s unavailable, the phone number verification may hinder your progress in setting up your account. Through this blog, we will discuss how people can use virtual number for ChatGPT in detail.

How To Use Virtual Number for ChatGPT?

  • Can You Use ChatGPT Without a Phone Number?
  • Why Does OpenAI Require a Phone Number?
  • Is It Safe to Give ChatGPT Your Number?
  • How to Get a Virtual Phone Number?
  • Steps to Use a Virtual Phone Number

Can You Use ChatGPT Without a Phone Number?

While it’s not possible to utilize ChatGPT without a phone number, the provided blog suggests different approaches for how to use virtual number for ChatGPT. Phone number verification is a common problem , but a simple solution to it seeking help from a friend or family member who already has an account on ChatGPT. They can aid in the verification process, as each phone number is capable of verifying two accounts. Nevertheless, verifying this AI chatbot independently without a phone number is an easily achievable task. Let us now explore different ways on how people can use virtual number for ChatGPT:

1. Use of WhatsApp

In certain regions where ChatGPT is unavailable people who cannot use virtual number for ChatGPT are advised to use WhatsApp for verification. These regions include India, Pakistan, Israel, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Turkey, Ukraine, Nigeria, Egypt, and many more.

2. Use of ChatGPT Extension

Google Chrome, Brave, Vivaldi, and Mozilla Firefox have ChatGPT extensions offered by OpenAI. This provides them access to chatbots directly without going through phone number verification step.

3. Use of Temporary Numbers

People who don’t want to use virtual number for ChatGPT have an alternative method which is by adding a temporary phone number or use of virtual number for ChatGPT account verification. Various virtual number services, such as,, and receive SMS, enable SMS verification. These temporary numbers come with an associated website where you can receive SMS. After initiating the code-generation process, the generated code will be sent to your number’s inbox on the respective website.

4. Use of Chatbots

For those seeking to utilize ChatGPT for AI chatbots without resorting to phone number verification, opt for a chatbot that operates on the ChatGPT model. Although numerous options exist, we’ve outlined three noteworthy choices below:

  • Bing Chat or Mobile App
  • Snapchat My AI Chatbot
  • ChatGPT Bots on Reddit

Why Does OpenAI Require a Phone Number?

Before learning how to use virtual number for ChatGPT people must know that OpenAI uses their phone number to verify their account, communication and for security purposes and this is the company’s duty to check it does not use people’s phone number for anything other than this.

1. VERIFICATION: To authenticate the user’s identity and ensure that each individual is legitimate, aiding in the prevention of misuse by bots or automated programs.

2. COMMUNICATION: Sometimes, for important updates or account-related issues, they may use your phone number to get in touch with you to access the information to resolve the issue.

3. SECURITY: While applying two-factor authentication, they might use your phone number, which adds an extra layer of security, making it difficult for someone else to gain access to your account.

This is important to note that OpenAI strictly respects its privacy policy and relevant laws when collecting and utilizing personal information. Users retain the right to access, rectify, or delete any personal data collected by the company. Additionally, they have the choice to opt-out of specific features or services if they prefer not to provide their phone number, it is completely optional.

Is It Safe to Give ChatGPT Your Number?

Ensuring the privacy of your personal data in conversations with AI chatbots such as Bing Chat or Google Bard, or even when using a search engine like Google, is a prudent approach. However before learning about how to use virtual number for ChatGPT it is important to highlight that phone number verification on the GPT-4 platform, specifically ChatGPT, is as secure as any other prominent web service.

Attempting to carry out this process may pose challenges if ChatGPT is unavailable in your country. Notably, while the language model is accessible in numerous countries, it remains inaccessible in regions with government-imposed restrictions on internet access or explicit bans on AI.

Reddit users in these nations have shared difficulties during the second verification step, experiencing challenges in receiving the SMS code. Hence, besides concerns about personal data privacy, issues may also arise from varying mobile infrastructure across different countries.

Path of EX suggests that OpenAI needs your phone number to restrict the number of accounts a particular individual can make . People usually have multiple emails but not more than two phone numbers, so this could be a main reason. Asking for a phone number to sign up for any online service is pretty common nowadays and here it is mainly used for the second verification step while accessing an account.

How to Get a Virtual Phone Number?

A virtual number is a cloud-based telephone number that allows voice calling over the Internet through VoIP. In contrast to normal phone numbers, which are tied to a particular address via landline cable, use of virtual numbers are remotely assigned to users and are not restricted to any physical location.

Users, departments, branches, and teams of agents have the flexibility to access their virtual numbers globally, using any device with internet connectivity, through a softphone interface. Unlike traditional business numbers that usually require calls to be made from a physical phone, virtual phone numbers can initiate calls using their VoIP (voice over Internet protocol) application on computers, cell phones, tablets, or IP desk phones.

Also known as VoIP numbers, virtual phone numbers offer greater scalability compared to traditional analog phones. Businesses have the flexibility to acquire unlimited virtual numbers and extensions from their provider, including local, toll-free, and vanity numbers. The process of purchasing and assigning virtual numbers is a quick and straightforward task that can be completed within minutes through the VoIP app.

Further, we will discuss steps to get and use virtual number for ChatGPT:

1. Register with a VoIP service provider

By partnering with a VoIP provider such as RingCentral or Nextiva, you gain access to the phone system, application, and network necessary for utilizing your virtual phone number. These providers offer various pricing plans, allowing users to complete the signup process within a matter of minutes.

2. Choose or transfer numbers

After the Sign Up process, you have the option to buy virtual numbers from your VoIP provider or transfer existing numbers. Administrators can acquire virtual numbers through the VoIP app, selecting from a range of area codes, cities, and countries provided by the service. If you opt to port existing numbers to your VoIP phone system, your provider will provide a form to submit to your previous phone service provider. Typically, this process takes a few weeks.

3. Allocate numbers to agents

Within the administrator portal, go to the Users section to oversee and add users within the company. Within this section, you can assign virtual numbers from your account to agents. Additionally, you have the capability to assign virtual numbers to IVR call flows.

4. Initiate calls and receive them

After your account’s users have their assigned numbers, they simply need to log in to the VoIP app provided by your service provider. Agents can then start making and receiving calls using either mobile or desktop devices.

5. Establish routing and queues

Once users are configured with their phone numbers, you can proceed to create a more sophisticated business phone system. Administrators can utilize drag-and-drop design tools to configure IVR, establish call queues, and form ring groups.

Steps to Use a Virtual Phone Number

People tend to believe that virtual phone numbers are different but in reality, it’s beneficial to view a virtual number as essentially a typical number hosted by a virtual service provider. Virtual phone numbers function through two fundamental technologies: cloud computing and the Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) model, leading some to colloquially refer to them as “VoIP phone numbers.”

These modern approaches replace traditional solutions such as cell towers. Before telling people how to use virtual number for ChatGPT, it is essential to highlight that their sole requirement for operation is a stable Internet connection.

Steps to use virtual number for ChatGPT are:

1. Discover a trustworthy website for generating temporary numbers.

2. Generate a number and input it into your ChatGPT account.

3. The generator site will receive a verification code.

4. Enter the code to complete the verification process and proceed.

There are a lot of ways through which people can use virtual number for ChatGPT, some of them are mentioned below:

1. To Make Calls

Despite not bring linked to a physical phone, you can place outbound calls from your current phones, displaying your virtual number on the caller ID.

2. To Receive Calls

Individuals can dial your virtual phone number to contact you, just as they would with any other phone number, and the caller’s experience remains identical. The sole distinction lies in the fact that when the call is directed to your virtual number, it is promptly rerouted to your phone, initiating the ringing process.

3. To Send and Receive Text Messages

Text messaging functionality can be activated on a virtual number. From the perspective of your customers, it looks and operates just like regular text messaging, while for you, it offers additional capabilities. Depending on the texting service in use, you not only have the ability to send and receive texts in the usual manner but also to efficiently manage and organize your messages.

4. Transmit it to any carrier

The FCC safeguards your right to retain your existing phone number, and this protection extends to virtual numbers as well. If you decide to switch from your virtual service and wish to keep your number, you have the option to port it to a cell phone, landline, or even a VoIP carrier. It’s a genuine phone number; the term “virtual” is only applied when it is presently hosted by a virtual phone service.

5. To Add Extensions

Within a virtual phone system, you have the capability to incorporate traditional extensions just as you would in a traditional wired office system. These extensions can be allocated to individuals or specific departments.

6. To Add a Menu

Ensuring a professional tone is important when establishing a phone system. Employing a Call Menu, or auto attendant, allows callers to select a numeric option for seamless connection to the appropriate individual, enhancing overall professionalism. Fortunately, integrating this feature into a virtual phone number is a straightforward process.


To conclude this blog, virtual phone numbers, facilitated by a virtual phone service, enhance remote work capabilities, enabling employees to connect to the office phone system and utilize call management tools from any location. This ensures that employees can respond to business calls and leverage the company phone system even when working outside the office.

Through the above blog, we have discussed how people can use virtual number for ChatGPT using different ways and its requirements.

How To Use Virtual Number for ChatGPT? – FAQs

1. Can people use ChatGPT without providing a phone number?

ChatGPT requires phone number verification and from the above blog people can also refer to some of the alternative approaches, such as using WhatsApp, browser extensions, temporary numbers, or assistance from friends or family.

2. Why does OpenAI require a phone number for ChatGPT?

OpenAI uses the user’s phone number for verification, communication, and security purposes. This helps authenticate users identity, ensures legal usage, and provides an additional layer of security through two-factor authentication.