Using Bitbucket as an extension to GitHub capabilities

In version control, GitHub and Bitbucket are two of the most prominent platforms. While both offer robust features for managing code repositories, they each bring unique strengths to the table. By integrating Bitbucket with GitHub, you can extend the capabilities of your development workflow, using the best of both worlds. This article explores how to use Bitbucket as an extension to GitHub capabilities, enhancing your productivity and collaboration.

Why Integrate Bitbucket with GitHub?

Integrating Bitbucket with GitHub can be beneficial for several reasons:

  1. Enhanced Collaboration: Bitbucket and GitHub offer different collaboration tools and workflows. Using both platforms can provide a richer set of features for team collaboration.
  2. Diverse CI/CD Options: While GitHub Actions is a powerful CI/CD tool, Bitbucket Pipelines offers unique features and integrations. Using both can diversify your CI/CD capabilities.
  3. Redundancy and Backup: Storing repositories on both platforms ensures redundancy and backup, protecting against data loss or downtime.
  4. Project Separation: Manage different projects or teams on separate platforms while maintaining the ability to integrate them when necessary.

Steps to use BitBucket in GitHub

Step 1 Sign up at Bitbucket and set a username and then choose your plan.

See how you can create a 5 user team account too! A team account, how cool is that!

Step 2  Fill up all the details.

Step 3

You’re done setting up! Time to check out the Bitbucket dashboard. Now let’s see how to create a repository. a) Click on the create a repository button on Dashboard.

b) Check the Access level checkbox c) In Forking dropdown, select

“Allow only private forks”

Done! You just created a private repository!

Creating a TEAM on Bitbucket

Step 1

On Dashboard in the Team dropdown, Click on “create a team”.

Step 2

Now super simple!  Just fill the team details, and add the team members!

Step 3

Done! Time to rejoice the Team Dashboard page!