Using Python to Post Stories on Instagram

Here, we will see how to Post Stories on Instagram Using Python. In this article, we will see step-by-step how to Post Stories on Instagram using Python.

Social media has developed into a vital tool for connecting with customers for both individuals and businesses in today’s fast-paced digital environment. Instagram is one of the most popular photo and video-sharing platforms because of its focus on visual content. Instagram provides an easy-to-use interface for uploading content, but sometimes, like when posting stories, automating some tasks can be very helpful.

Using Python to Post Stories on Instagram

Below, is the step-by-step guide of how to Post Stories on Instagram Using Python.

Step 1: Create a Virtual Environment

First, create the virtual environment using the below commands

python -m venv env 

Step 2: Install Necessary Library

Before we can start Post Stories on Instagram, we need to install necessary library instabot. Instabot is one of the most widely used libraries for automating Instagram interactions. This Python library offers a straightforward but effective interface for using Instagram for a variety of purposes, including posting stories.

pip install instabot

Step 3: Importing the Necessary Module

The first step involves importing the required module, in this case, the Bot class from the instabot library. This library provides functionalities for interacting with Instagram through a Python script.


from instabot import Bot

Step 4: Initialize a Bot Instance

Create an instance of the Bot class to interact with Instagram. This instance will be used to perform various actions, such as logging in, uploading a story, and logging out.


# Initialize a bot instance
bot = Bot()

Step 5: Logging into Instagram

Use the created bot instance to log in to an Instagram account. Provide the username and password as parameters to the login method.


# Login to your Instagram account
bot.login(username="your_username", password="your_password")

Step 6: Uploading a Story and Logging Out

Upload a story to the Instagram account using the upload_story_photo method. Provide the path to the image file and an optional caption. After uploading the story, log out from the Instagram account using the logout method.


bot.upload_story_photo("path/to/your/image.jpg", caption="Your story caption")

Above steps steps outline the process of initializing the bot, logging into Instagram, uploading a story, and finally, logging out of the Instagram account.

Complete Code


from instabot import Bot
# Initialize a bot instance
bot = Bot()
# Login to your Instagram account
bot.login(username="your_username", password="your_password")
# Upload a story
bot.upload_story_photo("path/to/your/image.jpg", caption="Your story caption")
# Logout from your Instagram account
