v-bind Directive in Vue.js

The v-bind directive is a Vuejs directive used to bind one or more attributes, or a component prop to an element. If that attribute is binded to our data defined in Vuejs instance then dynamically changes can be observed as data changes. First, we will create a div element with id as app and let’s apply the v-bind directive to a element. Further, we can use a button execute a function when click even occurs which will inverse the value of data.



Since developers use this attribute too often, Vuejs provides a shorthand for this attribute as follows:


Things we can do with v-bind:

  • Multiple classes can be passed.
  • Classes can be passed as arrays.
  • Supports variables to be assigned as a condition for classes and props.
  • Supports variable as arrays also.
  • It can be used in child components also.
  • Inline styles can also be assigned using v-bind.

Parameters: This directive accepts expression which will be deciding which attribute value to use. 
Example: This example uses Vuejs to toggle the classes of an element with v-bind. Further, we will use CSS to apply a different color to each class so that we can see them changing.


<!DOCTYPE html>
    <!-- Load Vuejs -->
    <script src=
        .active {
            color: blue;
        .error {
            color: red;
    <div style="text-align: center;width: 600px;">
        <h1 style="color: green;">
            VueJS | v-bind directive
    <div id="canvas" style=
        "border:1px solid #000000;
        width: 600px;height: 200px;">
        <div id="app" style=
            "text-align: center;
            padding-top: 40px;">
            <button v-on:click=
                "ifActive = !ifActive">
                Click to Toggle
            // here we have used the : short hand of v-bind:
            <h1 :class=
                "{active: ifActive, error: !ifActive}">
        var app = new Vue({
            el: '#app',
            data: {
                ifActive: true
