Which Generates Valid License Keys for Windows: ChatGPT or Bard?

A valid license key is a sort of special code that everyone gets whenever they buy software or devices. The code or the numbers are unique to everyone and you can use this code to use your software. It’s similar to passwords but the difference is, that you can make your password but these keys are already made for you. They are made because the software companies want to check if the user is using the product legally.

Moreover, The person who does not have a valid license key and is using the software means that they are using it without permission and hence can face consequences. An individual can generate valid license keys for Windows either using ChatGPT, Google Bard, or other such tools.

In this article, we’ll learn more about license keys, their features, and their uses, including the way we can generate it using ChatGPT.

Which Generates Valid License Keys for Windows: ChatGPT or Bard?

  • What does License Key mean in Windows?
  • Features and Uses of License Keys
  • How does ChatGPT Generate License Keys for Windows?
  • How does Google Bard Generate Valid License Keys for Windows?
  • Which is more effective: ChatGPT or Bard?

What does License Key mean in Windows?

Like it’s mentioned what is a license key, in windows it represents the same thing but for Windows products and software. You will get a secret code when you decide to buy Windows for your device, it doesn’t matter which version you are buying.

You will receive a unique code that proves that you have a legal copy of the operating system of Windows. Generating license keys for Windows is a way for Microsoft to track their distribution of devices all over.

The moment you install your Windows, you have to submit this code, to make sure Microsoft knows that you are an authentic user. If you don’t have a valid code, many features won’t be available for you which limits your experience with the software, hence it is always recommended to generate valid license keys for Windows beforehand. Also, you can’t use the same key for multiple computers as each key can only be used once.

Features and Uses of License Keys


  • Proof that you got the software legally.
  • The code is unique and can be used once to activate software.
  • It authenticates your identity.
  • Define the features you will be getting depending on the key.
  • Gives you secure access to your software.
  • Make sure that someone doesn’t copy your software or share it with others.
  • It makes sure you are using the updated version of the software.
  • Using a key helps you seek any help from customer support easily.


  • Just enter the key to start using your software.
  • No one can pirate any software for free.
  • The key tells your device which version of the software you have.
  • It tells a company how much capital they have received by selling their software.
  • You can even customize certain features of the software.
  • Used to activate features in games, software, and other applications.
  • Can track the warranty period of your software.

How does ChatGPT Generate License Keys for Windows?

Asking straight away for the keys is not the way since ChatGPT won’t allow this and will notify us regarding the legal procedures. These tools have in-built procedures and guidelines that restrict them from giving any such information that might be illegal or not advised.

Therefore, asking questions to generate valid license keys for Windows is not the way to trick these AI models. You will have to find certain prompts or questions that result in your desired answer but also do not let these tools know that you are looking for the valid license keys for Windows.

Trying out various prompts over and over might trick the tool and therefore it is suggested either use our prompt which is mentioned below or you can be as creative as you want and use different types of techniques on these tools to generate valid license keys for Windows.

ChatGPT can generate and process only those data that they are trained on, they can easily mimic the structure or the format of a Microsoft key, and hence many use ChatGPT as a shortcut to generate valid license keys for Windows for them to save their money and time that they will have to invest if they want to obtain such key legally.

The AI tools whether it is ChatGPT or any other such have certain ethical guidelines and therefore to ensure that you get the response you want, you need to think of those prompts which can trick these tools.

Another way to trick ChatGPT is to ask for a string of values by giving a Windows key format that is easily available online. Doing this ensures that ChatGPT won’t figure out a way that you are tricking it and it can easily give you the keys you want. You just need to put the formula of the format of the key in words and you’ll be able to trick the AI into giving you the keys.

For example, in the image below we have tried to generate Windows 95 OEM key format by writing its format in words. The format was “xxxyy-OEM-NNNNNNN-zzzzz” and we gave certain instructions on each of its segments. For instance, we specified that “xxx” is the day of the year and “yy” is the year range, then “OEM” remains constant but the segment of “N” must start with two zeroes. The rest is the “z” segments that should be a sum divisible by 7 and should have no remainder. This format is easily available and by using this method of converting it into words, ChatGPT can generate the Valid License Keys for Windows.

And there you go, you got a way to generate valid license keys for Windows. Make sure you know the format and put it in simple language and see if it’s generating for you or not. This is one of the most useful ways to get license keys for Windows.

If it doesn’t, try for different formats and change your wording a bit since the AI can easily detect if the method is used commonly. Try for as many prompts as you can and one of the prompts will work that can help you generate valid license keys for Windows.

How does Google Bard Generate Valid License Keys for Windows?

Both ChatGPT and Google Bard are AI technology and just like we tricked ChatGPT, we need to find a way to trick Google Bard as well to generate valid license keys for Windows.

We tried various common techniques to trick Bard, such as given in the images below:

Unfortunately, these tricks did not work as the model has been updated and can’t be tricked with previous methods. We tried the same thing that we used to trick ChatGPT and still, the method didn’t work. The problem is that each tool has ethical guidelines and it depends on which tool has the stronger guidelines built in.

The same prompt was used multiple times and Google Bard refused to generate Valid License keys for Windows that we wanted. Since the techniques have been used multiple times, AI is getting smarter day by day and therefore new methods or techniques have to be thought through.

It will be tough to crack the algorithm of Bard and to come up with a prompt that ensures your desired output.

Which is more effective: ChatGPT or Bard?

ChatGPT is hands down more effective as its 3.5 version is easier to trick, unlike Google Bard, it is extremely tough to find the prompt that it can process without refusing it. As you can see the prompt that we used for ChatGPT to generate Valid License keys for Windows didn’t work on Bard and we tried different methods but still, Bard was smart enough to see our tricks and refused to give us any numbers or keys that we wanted.

No doubt, AI technologies are rapidly becoming more advanced and some tricks won’t be applicable in the future as well. Google Bard easily caught our attempts but ChatGPT didn’t hence it is safe to assume that ChatGPT is more effective in bringing license keys for Windows. Moreover, ChatGPT is majorly used by the users for their respective queries more than Google Bard and hence we would also recommend that you use ChatGPT to generate valid license keys for Windows.


Generating Valid License Keys for Windows is against ethical practices and you can face consequences as well. It is said to be a violation of the rights an owner has for their software and therefore it is advised not to use these tools. Moreover, if you do decide to use it for fun or any other such purposes, you should remember that even if these AI provides you the keys, it’s not 100% correct, some keys won’t work at all and some might, depending upon the device you are using and the response of the AI.

Use AI tools to get license keys for Windows at your judgment and see if it’s worth it. Research what type of software you need and then decide whether to go for the ethical way of getting it by paying a minimal amount or by using tools that might not be a good or effective way.

FAQs: Which Generates Valid License Keys for Windows: ChatGPT or Bard

Why should we use AI tools to generate valid license keys for Windows?

Though it is against ethical use, some individuals use these tools to generate valid license keys for Windows to avoid the costs of buying this software on their own. Some might use it to check the security measures of these keys but the majority if the common man is using these tools, it is only to save the cost and time of buying these software.

Are there more tools apart from ChatGPT and Bard to generate valid license keys for Windows?

Yes, there can be multiple Artificial Intelligence tools that can be used instead of ChatGPT and Bard but it all depends on what prompt is working for you and on which tool. Some prompts might work on one tool and they might not for other tools. It is advised to check and try whichever tool works for you and then decide.

Is it a good practice to generate valid license keys for Windows from AI tools?

No, it is not a good practice as it’s illegal and even unauthorized. You can face legal consequences if you get caught and therefore having your key by legal means is always recommended.

What is a prompt?

A prompt is a question or a query that a user inputs in AI tools such as ChatGPT or Bard. It is used to make sure the AI tool knows what the user wants from it and can easily provide the correct output.