Validate week days using Regular Expression

Given some Weekdays, the task is to check if they are valid or not using regular expressions. 

Rules for the valid Weekdays :

  • It should contain specific only words as a string. They are mentioned below:
    • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
    • Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun. 
    • Mon., Tues., Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sun. 
    • mon, tues, wed, thurs, fri, sat, sun.


Input: “Monday”
Output: True

Input: Payday
Output: False

Approach: The problem can be solved using regular expression based on the following idea:

Create a regex pattern to validate the number as written below:   
regex= ^(sun|Sun|mon|Mon|t(ues|hurs)|(T(ues|hurs))|Fri|fri)(day|\.)?$|wed(\.|nesday)?$|Wed(\.|nesday)?$|Sat(\.|urday)?$|sat(\.|urday)?$|t((ue?)|(hu?r?))\.?$|T((ue?)|(hu?r?))\.?$


  • ^ : This indicates the start of the string.
  • $ :End of the string.
  • | : OR

Follow the below steps to implement the idea:

  • Create a regex expression for Weekdays.
  • Use Pattern class to compile the regex formed.
  • Use the matcher function to check whether the Weekday is valid or not.
  • If it is valid, return true. Otherwise, return false.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:


// C++ program to validate the
// Weekday using Regular
// Expression
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
// Function to validate the
// Weekday
string isValid_WeekDay(string str)
    // Regex to check valid weekday
    const regex pattern(
    // If the  str
    // is empty return false
    if (str.empty()) {
        return "false";
    // Return true if the str
    // matched the ReGex
    if (regex_match(str, pattern)) {
        return "true";
    else {
        return "false";
// Driver Code
int main()
    // Test Case 1:
    string str1 = "Sunday";
    cout << isValid_WeekDay(str1) << endl;
    // Test Case 2:
    string str2 = "Monday";
    cout << isValid_WeekDay(str2) << endl;
    // Test Case 3:
    string str3 = "Tues.";
    cout << isValid_WeekDay(str3) << endl;
    // Test Case 4:
    string str4 = "Payday";
    cout << isValid_WeekDay(str4) << endl;
    // Test Case 5:
    string str5 = "Friday";
    cout << isValid_WeekDay(str5) << endl;
    // Test Case 6:
    string str6 = "Birthday";
    cout << isValid_WeekDay(str6) << endl;
    return 0;


// Java program to validate the
// Weekday using Regular Expression
import java.util.regex.*;
class GFG {
    // Function to validate the
    // Weekday
    public static boolean isValid_WeekDay(String str)
        // Regex to check valid weekday
        String regex
            = "^(sun|Sun|mon|Mon|t(ues|hurs)|(T(ues|hurs))|Fri|fri)(day|\\.)"
              + "?$|wed(\\.|nesday)?$|Wed(\\.|nesday)?$|Sat(\\.|urday)"
              + "?$|sat(\\.|urday)?$|t((ue?)|(hu?r?))\\.?$|T((ue?)|(hu?r?))\\.?$";
        // Compile the ReGex
        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex);
        // If the str
        // is empty return false
        if (str == null) {
            return false;
        // Pattern class contains matcher()
        // method to find matching between
        // given str using regex
        Matcher m = p.matcher(str);
        // Return if the str
        // matched the ReGex
        return m.matches();
    // Driver Code.
    public static void main(String args[])
        // Test Case 1:
        String str1 = "Sunday";
        // Test Case 2:
        String str2 = "Monday";
        // Test Case 3:
        String str3 = "Tues.";
        // Test Case 4:
        String str4 = "Payday";
        // Test Case 5:
        String str5 = "Friday";
        // Test Case 6:
        String str6 = "Birthday";


# Python3 program to validate
# Weekday using Regular Expression
import re
# Function to validate
# Weekday
def isValid_WeekDay(str):
    # Regex to check valid Weekday
    regex = "^(sun|Sun|mon|Mon|t(ues|hurs)|(T(ues|hurs))|Fri|fri)(day|\.)"\
    # Compile the ReGex
    p = re.compile(regex)
    # If the string is empty
    # return false
    if (str == None):
        return "false"
    # Return if the string
    # matched the ReGex
    if(, str)):
        return "true"
        return "false"
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Test Case 1:
    str1 = "Sunday"
    # Test Case 2:
    str2 = "Monday"
    # Test Case 3:
    str3 = "Tues."
    # Test Case 4:
    str4 = "Payday"
    # Test Case 5:
    str5 = "Friday"
    # Test Case 6:
    str6 = "Birthday"


// Include namespace system
using System;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
public class GFG
  // Function to validate the
  // Weekday
  public static bool isValid_WeekDay(String str)
    // Regex to check valid LEI Code
    var regex = new Regex("^(sun|Sun|mon|Mon|t(ues|hurs)|(T(ues|hurs))|Fri|fri)(day|\\.)"
                          + "?$|wed(\\.|nesday)?$|Wed(\\.|nesday)?$|Sat(\\.|urday)"
                          + "?$|sat(\\.|urday)?$|t((ue?)|(hu?r?))\\.?$|T((ue?)|(hu?r?))\\.?$");
    // If the LEI Code
    // is empty return false
    if (str == null)
      return false;
    // Pattern class contains matcher()
    // method to find matching between
    // given weekday using regex.
    var m = regex.Match(str);
    // Return if the weekday
    // matched the ReGex
    return m.Success;
  // Driver Code.
  public static void Main(String[] args)
    // Test Case 1:
    var str1 = "Sunday";
    // Test Case 2:
    var str2 = "Monday";
    // Test Case 3:
    var str3 = "Tues.";
    // Test Case 4:
    var str4 = "Payday";
    // Test Case 5:
    var str5 = "Friday";
    // Test Case 6:
    var str6 = "Birthday";
// This code is contributed by Potta Lokesh.


// Javascript program to validate
// Weekday using Regular Expression
// Function to validate the
// Weekday
function isValid_WeekDay(str) {
    // Regex to check valid
    // weekday
    let regex = new RegExp(/^(sun|Sun|mon|Mon|t(ues|hurs)|(T(ues|hurs))|Fri|fri)(day|\.)?$|wed(\.|nesday)?$|Wed(\.|nesday)?$|Sat(\.|urday)?$|sat(\.|urday)?$|t((ue?)|(hu?r?))\.?$|T((ue?)|(hu?r?))\.?$/);
    //if str
    // is empty return false
    if (str == null) {
        return "false";
    // Return true if the str
    // matched the ReGex
    if (regex.test(str) == true) {
        return "true";
    else {
        return "false";
// Driver Code
// Test Case 1:
let str1 = "Sunday";
// Test Case 2:
let str2 = "Monday";
// Test Case 3:
let str3 = "Tues.";
// Test Case 4:
let str4 = "Payday";
// Test Case 5:
let str5 = "Friday";
// Test Case 6:
let str6 = "Birthday";



Time Complexity: O(N) for each testcase, where N is the length of the given string. 
Auxiliary Space: O(1)  

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