Value momentum Interview Experience | Off-campus – Digital/Data engineer (premium offer )

Round 1:  It was an off-campus drive conducted in (KMIT ) Hyderabad. First-round was an online test through co-cubes. which comprises of aptitude, and programming. As it was an off-campus drive the test has completed at 5:30 pm and the results were announced at the time of 6:oo pm evening and we had a group discussion regarding the problems of the farmers and eventually, I cleared it. And they asked us to come another day at 9:00 am sharp to attend other rounds.

Round 2:  The next day we had another co-cubes test and we are asked to wait in the seminar hall. and after some hours I was called for an interview.

Round 3:  The interview has gone for 30 minutes where the interviewer started by asking questions on define oops, inheritance, etc after some time he has given some code samples and asked me to guess the output. after that, he started asking questions like what is Deadlock, threading, and  (Can we create a constructor that can be able to destroy objects)…. after that he started asking managerial questions like (what if you are a team leader and your team should learn new technology but some of your team members aren’t interested in learning them how do you change their mind and make them involved). and some of the typical team management questions … I explained my approach to how could I solve that problem. and he was impressed by my solution. And finally, he gave some puzzles to solve. and the round was completed. And he asked me to solve one aptitude question which I couldn’t solve but the interviewer was very friendly and gave hints on approaching the problem. and after some time they asked me to wait for another round.

Round 4: After some time I was asked to come in for another Technical round where the interviewer was a senior manager and he has given some codes in Java to guess the output and the interviewer scanned my resume and asked all the questions from my resume like what is the difference between NoSQL and SQL. And started to ask me about my project in detail and I explained everything to him. And he asked some standard data structures questions. And after a few minutes, they said to me to wait for the HR round.

Round 5: As it was almost very late they had taken interviews for girls and I was called in for HR round around 10:45 pm where he asked me why VM ? and he was enquiring about my previous offers? and I explained the reason why VM. after that, he asked me typical hr questions and finally questioned whether I feel competent for this role ?. Undoubtedly without any thought, I said “Yes”. And the discussion was completed. after some time the HR came and announced the results I was one among the selected ones.