ValueLabs Interview Experience (On-Campus) 2023

ValueLabs came to Vellore Institute of Technology for their S-Band recruitment process. The designation offered was Software Engineer Specialist. The Eligibility criteria were as follows:

  • 80% or 8.0 CGPA and above in Class X.
  • 80% or 8.0 CGPA and above in Class XII.
  • 80% or 8.0 CGPA and above in Graduation.

Round 1: (Online Test): This included MCQ – Aptitude and Technical. The Aptitude section included Verbal, Quants, and Logical Reasoning questions. The Technical Sections consisted of questions based on C, Java, SQL, DSA, etc. After this there was a coding question based on Pattern Printing. The question was simple, but the time was pretty much less – than 15 mins. I was able to pass all test cases. 

Note: Make sure you try to solve the coding problem with all test cases in order to increase your chances of getting shortlisted for the interviews.

Round 2: (Technical Interview 1): The interviewer gave a brief introduction about herself and then asked me for an introduction. The Interview went up to 30-40 mins. She asked the following questions:

  • Tell me about your projects.
  • What is Encapsulation?
  • Which language are you proficient in? (I answered Java).
  • What differences did you notice between Java and C++?
  • What do you mean by Garbage Collection in Java? How can you perform it?
  • Write a program to print the square root of all elements in an array. 
  • I was asked to share my screen and write the code in an online compiler. 
  • Then she gave the array values of her choice and I had to run the code and print the final output.
  • She was fully satisfied with the code.
  • Which Engineering subject was your favorite? (I answered Data Structures and Algorithms as I was quite confident in that).
  • What do you mean by Doubly-LinkedList?
  • Name the different types of Sorting Algorithms.
  • Which DBMS Language have you studied? (I answered SQL).
  • What is the difference between Left-Join and Right-Join?
  • What do you mean by Normalization?
  • Mention the different types of Keys in DBMS.

Round 3: (Technical Interview 2): The interviewer seemed to be very experienced and very friendly. She gave a brief introduction about herself and then asked for my introduction. The Interview went up to 20-30 mins.

She asked the following questions:

  • Tell me about your internships and projects. She cross-questioned on some of my major projects like what my role was, what tech stack I used, what are the uses of these tools in the software industry etc. So, make sure you are well aware of your projects and make each and every detail of the project crystal clear.
  • What do you mean by SDLC? Can you explain a bit? (I knew the definition but not the full concept, so the interviewer was kind enough to explain SDLC).
  • What do you understand by Software Testing?
  • Do you have any questions for me? (I asked her about the work culture and about the tech stack used in the company).

Round 4: (HR Interview): I was lucky enough to not have an HR interview, but this might vary from college to college.

Verdict: SELECTED!