Var() and VarP() Function in MS Access

1. Var() Function :
Var() Function in MS Access is used to estimate the variance for a population sample.

Syntax :


Parameter : This method accept one parameter as mentioned above and described below :

  • expr : It represents a string expression identifying the field that contains the numeric data which we want to evaluate or an expression that performs a calculation using the data in that field. Operands in expr can include the name of a table field, a constant, or a function.

Returns : It calculates variance for a population sample.

Note : If the underlying query contains fewer than two records or no records then it returns a Null value which indicates that a variance cannot be calculated.

Table – ProductDetails

Product_Id Product_Price
100000 90
200001 81
298700 34
345632 84

Example-1 :
The variance of the product price.

SELECT Var(Product_Price) AS Var_Value 
FROM ProcuctDetails;

Output :


Example-2 :
Variance for only one record.

SELECT Var(100) AS Var_Value ;

Output :


So, we can see it can not be calculated.

2. VarP () Function :
VarP () Function in MS Access is used to estimate the variance for a population. The main difference between The VarP () function and VarP() Function is VarP evaluates a population, and the Var function evaluates a population sample.

Syntax :


Parameter : This method accept one parameter as mentioned above and described below :

  • expr : It represents a string expression identifying the field that contains the numeric data which we want to evaluate or an expression that performs a calculation using the data in that field. Operands in expr can include the name of a table field, a constant, or a function.

Returns : It calculates variance for a population.

Note : If the underlying query contains fewer than two records then it returns a Null value which indicates that a standard deviation cannot be calculated.

Table – Products

P_Id P_Price
1001 55
1005 20
1008 66

Example-1 :

SELECT VarP (P_Price) AS VarP_Value 
FROM Procucts;

Output :


Example-2 :

SELECT VarP (10) AS VarP_Value;

Output :
