var keyword in C#

Keywords are the words in a language that are used for some internal process or represent some predefined actions. var is a keyword, it is used to declare an implicit type variable, that specifies the type of a variable based on initial value.


var variable_name = value;


Input: a = 637
       b = -9721087085262

Output: value of a 637, type System.Int32
        value of b -9721087085262, type System.Int64

Input: c = 120.23f
       d = 150.23m
       e = G
       f = Beginner
Output: value of c 120.23, type System.Single
        value of d 150.23, type System.Decimal
        value of e G, type System.Char
        value of f Beginner, type System.String

Example 1:

// C# program for var keyword
using System;
using System.Text;
class GFG {
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var a = 637;
        var b = -9721087085262;
        // to print their type of variables
        Console.WriteLine("value of a {0}, type {1}", a, a.GetType());
        Console.WriteLine("value of b {0}, type {1}", b, b.GetType());


value of a 637, type System.Int32
value of b -9721087085262, type System.Int64

Example 2:

// C# program for var keyword
using System;
using System.Text;
namespace Test {
class GFG {
    static void Main(string[] args)
        var c = 120.23f;
        var d = 150.23m;
        var e = 'G';
        var f = "Beginner";
        // to print their type of variables
        Console.WriteLine("value of c {0}, type {1}", c, c.GetType());
        Console.WriteLine("value of d {0}, type {1}", d, d.GetType());
        Console.WriteLine("value of e {0}, type {1}", e, e.GetType());
        Console.WriteLine("value of f {0}, type {1}", f, f.GetType());
        // hit ENTER to exit


value of c 120.23, type System.Single
value of d 150.23, type System.Decimal
value of e G, type System.Char
value of f Beginner, type System.String