Difference Between Verbal and Non-verbal Communication

Verbal and non-verbal communication are two important forms of human interaction which are playing key roles in expressing messages, emotions, and thoughts. Verbal communication is the spoken or written words to express the information. Non-verbal communication includes body language, facial expressions, gestures, and visuals to communicate without using words. Both are fundamental ways of communication among human individuals for interaction used to express ideas.

Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication

Table of Content

  • Verbal Communication
  • Non-Verbal Communication
  • Tabular Difference Between Verbal and Non-verbal communication
  • Similarities
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is the use of language in spoken or written form for the exchange of information, ideas, and emotions. It depends on words, syntax, grammar, and vocabulary for communication. Verbal communication can be direct or indirect, formal and informal, it may be different in tone and pitch which influences how the message is perceived.

Characteristics of Verbal Communication

  1. Involves spoken or written words.
  2. Provides precise and detailed information.
  3. Allows for immediate and direct feedback.
  4. Influenced by language and dialect.
  5. Dominant in formal communication settings.
  6. Can be hindered by language barriers.
  7. Suitable for conveying complex ideas.
  8. Emotions are expressed through words.
  9. Communication speed can be faster for conveying information.

Non-Verbal Communication

Non-verbal communication includes all types of communication without using words. It includes hand gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, body language and voice tone. Non-verbal communication can convey emotions stronger than words way.

Characteristics of Non-verbal Communication

  1. Involves gestures, body language, facial expressions, and visual cues.
  2. Provides emotional depth and context to messages.
  3. Feedback is often subtle, indirect, or delayed.
  4. Can have cultural universality in some expressions.
  5. Crucial in conveying emotions and attitudes, especially in emotional situations.
  6. Overcomes language barriers.
  7. Supplements, reinforces, or contradicts verbal messages.
  8. Emotions are often displayed non-verbally.
  9. Non-verbal cues can be interpreted quickly.

Tabular Difference Between Verbal and Non-verbal communication

Aspect Verbal Communication Non-Verbal Communication
Medium Spoken or written words Body language, facial expressions, gestures, etc.
Channel Auditory and visual Primarily visual
Language Barriers Language proficiency can affect understanding More universal, transcending language barriers.
Speed of Delivery Faster in conveying information Slower, allowing for more subtle nuances
Conscious Control Often requires conscious effort and articulation Often unconscious and spontaneous.
Ambiguity Can be more precise and explicit Can be ambiguous and open to interpretation.
Emotional Expression Tone of voice conveys emotions Facial expressions and body language convey emotions.
Memory Retention Easier to remember and recall Non-verbal cues can be challenging to recall accurately.
Cultural Differences Language may have cultural nuances Non-verbal cues can vary significantly across cultures.
Scope Covers a broad range of topics More effective for expressing feelings and attitudes.


Purpose: Both verbal and non-verbal communication are aimed to convey emotions, information and intentions among different individuals.

Contextual: Both forms of communication are influenced by cultural norms, social ways and relationship between the communicators.

Subjectivity: They can be interpreted and meaning may vary based on the receiver’s perception and understanding.

Feedback: Verbal and non-verbal communication will possess responses and feedback from the receiver, allowing to interact.

Expressiveness: Both verbal and non-verbal communication had strong forms of expressing emotions, feelings and attitudes helps in improving the message totally


In summary, verbal and non-verbal communication are two important forms for the human interaction which are playing key roles in expressing the messages, emotions and thoughts. Verbal communication is the spoken or written words to express the information. Non-verbal communication is body language, facial expressions, gestures and visual to communicate without using words. Both are fundamental way of communication among human individuals for interaction used to express ideas.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is verbal communication?

Verbal communication is the use of language by spoken or written form for exchange of information, ideas and emotions.

What is non-verbal communication?

Non-verbal communication includes all types of communication without using words. It includes hand gestures, facial expressions, eye contact, body language and voice tone.

What is the similarity among verbal communication and non-verbal communication?

Both verbal and non-verbal communication had strong forms of expressing emotions, feelings and attitudes helps in improving the message totally.

What is the medium of non-verbal communication?

Body language, facial expressions, gestures, etc.

Write any 3 characteristics of Verbal communication?

  1. Involves spoken or written words.
  2. Provides precise and detailed information.
  3. Allows for immediate and direct feedback.