VICIT Consulting Interview Experience for a Remote Job (On-Campus)

Hey everyone,

I recently went through the interview process for a Remote Job at a VICIT Consulting – Cybersecurity Company (On-Campus). I wanted to share my experience with you all, hoping it might help those preparing for similar roles.

The whole Interview process consisted of 3 Rounds:

Round 1 (Introductory HR Round):

The first round was an introductory HR round where out of 350 applicants, 25 applicants were shortlisted.

This round mainly focused on getting to know the candidates, their backgrounds, and their motivations for applying to the company. Basic HR questions about the resume, past experiences, and future aspirations were asked.


  • Be confident and clear about your career goals and how they align with the company’s objectives.
  • Make sure to highlight any relevant experience or skills you have in cybersecurity.
  • Prepare to discuss your resume in detail.

Round 2 (Aptitude + Technical Round):

This round consisted of 30 questions, combining aptitude, technical, and a few behavioural questions. The test had a duration of 1 hour and covered a wide range of topics.

  • Aptitude: The aptitude questions were intuitive and required logical thinking rather than rote application of formulas. Topics included Quantitative aptitude and Logical reasoning.
  • Technical: Technical questions spanned various subjects such as computer networks, operating systems, Data structures & Algorithms. There were also questions requiring interpretation of Output for certain codes.
  • Behavioural: A few questions aimed to gauge how candidates handle certain situations or work under pressure.


  • Practice from sites like w3wiki and Leetcode to build confidence and improve problem-solving skills.
  • Review key concepts in Computer networks, Operating systems, Data structures and DBMS.
  • Take quizzes to reinforce your understanding of programming languages and other relevant subjects.


  • Stay calm and manage your time effectively during the test.
  • Don’t spend too much time on any one question; move on if you’re stuck and come back if time permits.

Round 3 (Technical Interview Round – Cybersecurity Focus):

This round was a deep dive into technical knowledge specific to the cybersecurity domain.

  • Projects: Detailed questions about my previous projects were asked, especially focusing on any cybersecurity aspects. I was asked to explain the reasoning behind certain design choices and to elaborate on the implementation details.
  • Domain Knowledge: Questions tested my knowledge of cybersecurity principles, tools, and techniques. Topics included network security, encryption algorithms, penetration testing, and incident response.
  • Problem-Solving: I was presented with scenarios related to cybersecurity threats and asked how I would handle them. This included designing secure systems and responding to security breaches.


  1. Be thorough with the projects listed on your resume, especially those related to cybersecurity.
  2. Brush up on fundamental and advanced cybersecurity concepts.
  3. Be prepared to discuss real-world scenarios and how you would address various security challenges.

Summarizing it down,

  • Preparation: Make sure to revise key concepts and practice relevant problems. Utilize online resources and practice platforms to stay sharp.
  • Calmness: Stay calm and composed during each round. Stress can hinder your performance, so take deep breaths and focus on the task at hand.
  • Communication: Clearly explain your thought process and reasoning for each answer. Use diagrams and examples where possible to illustrate your points.
  • Resume: Know your resume inside out. Be prepared to discuss any point in detail and relate it to the job you’re applying for.

By following these tips and preparing diligently, you can enhance your chances of success in the interview process for a remote job at a cybersecurity company. Good luck!