VIRUS Full Form

The world is digitally evolving day by day. With the introduction of Artificial Intelligence, Cloud Computing Systems tasks have become more automated and we have become heavily dependent on digital data. But it is also required to safeguard the information as they are susceptible to malware attacks and hence the concept of Cybersecurity arose.

What is a Full Form of VIRUS?

Virus stands for Vital Information Resources Under Seize. A virus is a malicious program or software whose aim is to harm or damage the data. It is a type of malware that can be compared to any biological virus. Just as biological viruses range in severity and type of infection, computer viruses follow a similar trend. It can display annoying pop-up messages computer system. Computer viruses need a host program. As we all know that virus is a code so it writes the code on the host program. When the host program gets executed, the infection starts. Viruses can replicate themselves using the host program. The study of computer viruses can be traced back to 1949 and the first virus was developed in 1971, also known as the ‘Creeper Program’.

Common Signs of Computer Viruses

There are some common signs of computer viruses:

  • Pop-up ads from unidentified websites can appear if a computer has been infected with viruses.
  • System freezes or crashes are a common issue as viruses usually damage the hard drives.
  • The computer becomes slow all of a sudden.
  • Viruses can delete or modify files.
  • It can occurs the free disk space that is available on the computer.

Types of Viruses

There are different types of viruses:

  • Boot sector virus: This virus affects the booting part of the computer. Every time the computer boots the virus gets loaded and it infects the floppy discs and other devices.
  • Encrypted Virus: As the name suggests the program is in encrypted format and hence it is difficult to detect. Before infecting, the virus is decrypted so that it can execute itself.
  • Email Virus: These types of viruses use emails as a medium to get transferred. When the user clicks on the link or message, the virus gets downloaded and it starts infecting the system.
  • File Infector Virus: All of the computer’s executable files are impacted by this virus. It can modify or delete the files.
  • Polymorphic Virus: Polymorphic means many forms. This virus can change into many forms and can infect it accordingly which makes it very difficult to get detected.

How To Prevent Computer Virus?

Viruses can cause huge financial losses to organizations and can raise the question of trust issues if not handled properly. Therefore it is necessary to take precautions. Some of them are as follows:

  • Antivirus: An antivirus is a software program that can detect viruses or malicious programs. It can also remove viruses. Therefore it is strongly recommended to use Antivirus.
  • Update the software: Always update the software on a regular basis as it can fix the security patches or other bugs available in the software.
  • Scan your files: Before downloading any File from the Internet, it is advisable to scan the files as scan checks for embedded viruses.
  • Do not click on unknown Links: Nowadays viruses are embedded in websites as well. So always check the URLs or do not click on suspicious links.
  • Backup: Backup is the copying of files and folders to a secondary location so that the users can have access to it in case if any attack happens. Always keep a secondary backup of our personal information.