Visa FTE Interview Experience

Round 1: It included 2 easy-level questions that were too easy that most of the people were able to do both of the questions.

  • I don’t remember the first one
  • The second question was, In a given matrix of 0’s and 1’s find the largest square consisting of only 1’s.

It was an 1 hr coding assessment.

24 people were selected on the basis of clean code and speed for interviews.

Round 2(Technical interview): The interviewer was very friendly. We both introduced ourselves. Then he gave me a warmup coding question: Check whether the given string is a palindrome

And then he wrote 4 coding questions in the ide provided within the code pair link and offered me to do any 2. All 4 were easy to medium-level questions.

  1. Find the diameter of the given tree.
  2. Make the array zig Zag i.e alternate low and high.
  3. Traverse from top left to the bottom right of a given matrix and find out that how many traversals are possible with no repeating node within a path. We can traverse all 4 directions.
  4. Given a keypad mobile numbers filled with an alphabetical character like 1 contains “abc” 2 contains “def” etc. Now given 3 numbers I was given to find the number of possible permutations.

I was told to write just the functions, I coded 2 of them and explained the rest two verbally.

Now he transferred to the theory questions and asked me whether I am comfortable with each one of the subjects before asking any questions of that subject.

OS – Paging, Deadlock, deadlock prevention algorithm.

DBMS – Given an employee table consisting of emp id, joining date, and manager id, write a query to find all the employees whose joining dates are prior to their manager’s joining date.

CN – Explain TCP/IP model.

After this round 20 students were selected for 2nd interview (3rd round).

Round 3(Technical interview): He started with his introduction and went through my projects directly.

  • I was having 3 projects – 1st on software development, 2nd in android, and 3rd in Blockchain technology.Some questions were:-
  • What is blockchain, how does it work and which algorithm is used to implement it, how does consensus algorithm work.
  • Then went through android development and asked few heavy questions, in which I fumbled a lot, and then in software, he asked about the SOLID rules of software development.
  • He asked a DBMS query i.e we are given a table emp with few columns and a new row of data and insert the row in the table if that primary key is not present or else update that row. I was asked to write a single query for doing that stuff.
  • Then he jumped to the coding part on the code pair link provided and gave me a question- word ladder i.e given 2 strings start and end and a dictionary containing many strings all of the same length. I could use any of the dictionary words to climb from the starting word to the ending word such that from one word to another we can just change a single letter. This time I was given to write full code and was asked to run that too.

12 people qualified for the HR round.

Round 4(HR): The interviewer was at the director level of some specific part of the company. 

  • He was too friendly and we had a pretty nice conversation. He asked me a system design question i.e to design a stadium gate such that if there are 10 gates then every time the number of a person entering all the gates is the same.
  • After this, we discussed lots of questions about where do I see my carrier and why visa, etc.

5 people including me were selected for the full-time role.


  • Be very confident about your code.
  • Thoroughly study all the theory subjects like OS DBMS etc and for the interview study the last-minute notes of Gfg which was very helpful for me.
  • Study system design and know-how to start and traverse through the problem.

Good luck with your interviews.