Visa Inc Interview Experience for Summer Internship

Round 1 (online assessment):

Total Problem: 4 (Coding Problem)

Time: 70 min.

Platform: code signal

Problems are good we don’t need to optimize them. Time complexity is written in the problem statement, and it won’t require optimization.

  • Problem 1: Simple map question (I don’t remember exactly)
  • Problem 2: I don’t remember, but it’s very simple, and I solved it in less than 2 minutes.
  • Problem 3: Given an image (a matrix of color intensity), we have to blur it. The process is given in a statement with a good example. Very simple observation. We can optimize it using a prefix array in 2D, but it is not required by the given constraint.
  • Problem 4: Again Simple map question. Given an array of start and end points, we have to return how many points are covered exactly by one interval. (They put a simple story on it.)

Round 2 (technical + HR) (50 min):

The interviewer was very experienced. She has already scanned my resume.

She started with, “Looks like you did too much competitive programming, when did you started?”

After that, introduce yourself.

Then 15 minutes for one coding problem on a codesignal platform (pair coding).

Question: She already added problems to the codesignal platform (unlike other interviewers).

Given two strings, s1 and s2, find the first occurrence of s2 in s1 (without using the built-in function).

It looks very easy, right?

But when I said logic, by mistake I said that we can solve this in O(max(s1.len, s2.len)) using KMP, and she replied, Can you implement it? Luckily, I solved it in 12–15 minutes.

After that, explain your project.

After that, she asked me about DBMS.

  • What is the difference between RDBMS and no-SQL databases?
  • Is there any benefit to using a SQL database?
  • About foreign keys
  • She gave me some simple examples and asked, What is a foreign key in this?
  • I haven’t used foreign key constraints in my project, so why haven’t I?
  • Some questions about my project

After that, she asked me some HR questions.

  • Have you implemented anything in which you found difficulty? (Some other question related to that)
  • What is your role in teamwork?
  • You mainly worked on the backend, so you don’t like the frontend?
  • You don’t like design?
  • What if you selected and assigned a frontend team? (Some other question related to that)
  • Tell me about a situation you faced in which you made a wrong decision and then someone suggested something, and what you did after that. (Some other question related to that)
  • As I hosted one coding contest as a problem setter in my college club (written in my resume), she asked, What is the hardest problem you created, and how many students were able to solve it?

Some suggestions from my side

  • If the coding problem is very easy, then also first discuss it with the interviewer.
  • The next question of the interviewer is related to your current answer, so give an answer accordingly.
  • Don’t suck on just one project or one topic in HR because it’s hard to answer after you’ve discussed too much about it.