VISA Inc. Interview Experience | Set 2 (On-Campus)

Visa Inc. (On – Campus, Day 1)

Preliminary Round :
75 minutes Test on Mettle.
Assessment Composition:
1. Coding Skills: 2 Questions
2. Programming: 10 Questions
3. Machine Learning Hadoop MCQ: 6 Questions
4. Networking MCQ: 6 Questions
5. Operating System: 6 Questions
6. Infrastructure: 6 Questions
7. Application Security: 6 Questions

On Campus procedure :

Round 1 :

– Projects, Internship
– Asymmetric and Symmetric encryption with some real world usage
– Concepts behind Digital Signature and Digital Certificates
– Detailed discussion on HTTPS
– Basic OS concepts : Threads, Mutex , Semaphores
– Basic OOPS concepts : Virtual functions , Function overloading and overriding , encapsulation.

Round 2:

– Projects , Internship
– Some discussion on Testing and how you would design a unit test case and a complete project test case. Discussion on Automated Testing.
– How does a Web application work.
– Software Development Models
– Discussion on interpreted language and compiled language
– Some DBMS basics for efficiency :- Indexing viz. B+trees , Hashing.
– Some discussion on Apple Pay , VbV (Verified by Visa) (informal)

Round 3 :
– Typical HR questions.

All Practice Problems for Visa !